I feel so insulted right now

I feel so insulted right now

by MinMorts

  1. I see no problem with this. The English that the entire world recognises, and the English that the Americans use.

  2. Fair, but at my daughter’s primary school we had to select her race and the options were “white-British” and “white-other” 😂 We’re white Americans, so I supposed we were other.

    On another note, I recently told someone at my gym (that I’ve gone to for a year) I was catching a plane to go on holiday after the workout. They replied, “Oh, are you going home?!” To which I thought, “but this IS my home.” Aloud I said, “No.”

  3. Be glad that international means that it’s for people who don’t struggle with things like a U being certain words.

  4. I feel the pain, it happens the same with Spanish many times, people does not understand it, it is same as English British, USA, AUS and all variants

  5. I just had duolingo teach me the word english (in dutch) with a bastardisation of the US flag to denote it. Fuming

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