How much more aid Europe has given to Ukraine than the USA: ~35billion Euro

How much more aid Europe has given to Ukraine than the USA: ~35billion Euro

by atdoru

  1. Among bilateral donors, the U.S. remains the top provider of aid, with a total of 75.1 billion Euro in allocations, driven in large part by its 51.6 billion euros of military aid.

    Germany, the U.K., Japan, and Canada follow, with 14.7, 13.1, 9.1, and 7.2 billion Euro in total allocations respectively, to complete the ranking of the top 5 bilateral donors.

    In terms of total bilateral allocations as a percent of 2021 GDP, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania top the ranking with 1.8, 1.7, and 1.4 percent.

    As a whole, Europe, which includes the EU institutions and member states as well as the U.K, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland, has allocated a total of 110.2 billion Euro, of which roughly half (51.5 billion Euro) has been for military aid.

  2. Necessary reminder when that lying, orange sack of shit keeps screaming about Europe “not paying enough”

  3. That’s looks great, but what is “Europe”?
    Is this EU aid? Is it EU aid + national aid programs?
    Does it include non-EU countries like the U.K.?

    Either way, it makes me feel hopeful when I see that we don’t just expect the Americans to get us out of this mess.

  4. Shame that France is not contributing more. Perhaps when a stable government is in place, Mirages will be delivered in numbers.

  5. For that we’ve gotten:

    630 000 less Russian raping our families
    8600 less Russian tanks occupying our countries
    18 000 less Russian artillery grinding our cities into dust

    And countless amount of less missiles, aircraft and other threaths aimed at us.

    Money well spent. Glory to Ukraine!

  6. The US is a single state, Europe is made up of multiple individual states. If you showed this figure as a % of GDP broken down by state it would tell a different story I think.

  7. It should also be considered, that many European countries are much more affected by the economic sanctions against Russia and while the refugees from Ukraine are welcome almost everywhere, it’s still a financial burden to care for hundred thousands or millions of displaced people.

    But of course it’s fair that Europe does the most, because we are more directly threatened by the war than our friends on other continents. It’s not only morally the right thing, but also the logical one, because if Russia succeeds in its imperialist conquest, the costs for all of Europe will be much higher than any help we have given and continue to give to Ukraine. In money and worst case also in blood.

  8. you also need to add hidden cost, like accepting 4 millions refugees in our borders (1M for poland alone !), wich also has a cost.

    You also need to add all the “free” support given by the US & European, like training soldiers & sharing satellite intelligence.

  9. All this money just to fight a country with the economy of Italy whose military is so incompetent they have to conscript prisoners

  10. Maybe if we had helped them from the beginning instead of pulling out the stops 2 years later than our situation would not require so much aid. Its nice that we give money know but we needed to be on this from the start.

  11. Seems like a lot till you remember that if Putin sweeps up Ukraine we likely end up in a direct boots on the ground conflict.

    You think this is bad, WW3 will be a smidge more expensive.

    The losers who think we should leave Ukraine to its fate never factor in what happens when the dictator goes for more. And they always go for more.

  12. Lol Trump said US has given more than 200 billions to Ukraine… he just invent things…. 🤷‍♂️🙃

  13. When weighted by population we get :

    192€/inhabitant for “Europe” (EU+UK+Norway+Iceland+Switzerland)

    222€/inhabitant for USA

  14. Alternative title “more than 30 countries right on their neighbour’s doorstep only gives 25% more aid than 1 country the other side of the world”.

  15. Can we please stop with this useless dick measuring contest? It does nothing but divide us. Who gives a flying fuck? We are all united in our efforts towards supporting Ukraine against Russian invasion. Christ, it’s like watching the two halves of myself fight each other. Both of the US and the EU are doing a good job, and both have the full intention to support the Ukrainians.

  16. Ukraine is a European country, Europe should be doing more than the USA to help. I should imagine that if a major war broke out in Latin America, one that could potentially threaten the USA directly if it escalated, that the USA would be far more involved than Europe would be.

  17. Congress has passed 5 bills appropriating up to $175 billion , $13.6B, $40.9B, $12.3B $47.4B, and $61.3B. These amounts include all of the military equipment, vehicles, and other supplies. It does not include the amount of intelligence and strategic assistance given. I am not sure why this graph does not include the full amounts, but this is all public record.

    This graph does not reflect the actual amounts of aid given to Ukraine by the US, why dies this European institution ignore so much of the aid given by the US?

    There is a sense in the US that aid given by the US is often downplayed by Europeans, and looking at this graph, I can see why.

  18. It’s Europe when they want to take credit for the UK contribution, then EU when they don’t

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