Message to women married to MAGA men…

Message to women married to MAGA men…

Posted by mcspocky

  1. *MAGA boys.

    Anyone who believes women shouldn’t be able to make decisions about their own bodies is not technically a *man*.

  2. That could be an important and persuasive message if the purple part were deleted. Those women still love their husbands and won’t have their minds changed by someone making fun of them.

    Edit: I know it’s just here for a laugh. Just saying though.

  3. This is probably the one downside to voting by mail. An abusive husband can see how his wife is voting and make her check the boxes he wants.

  4. Come on now, can you imagine Kamala talking to Ping or Putin on a level, with that laugh and strange tangent speach. In the UK we got the joke, without being black and a woman she is not qualified to do her job, FACT.. Answer truthfully to yourself, if she wasn’t black and a woman would she have been picked and the answer is no.. As i say in the UK we’ve laughed at her and pitied you for having a politically correct piick with an odd laugh and the speach patterns of a thesaurus on acid but the joke is over now, she could be in charge of your armed forces, be an equal among other leaders lol and have so much responsibility that others have cracked.. Don’t do this America or unfortunately the bad joke will become presxident and yes her pronouns will be correct, yes shes black and a woman. other than that she gpot nothing else.. Shes got this far not answering a single question on policy (including the debate) because she won’t decide it, Obama will and that friends is not democracy.. its a dictatorship, exactly what you accuse Trump of, yes he can be offensive, yes he’s a narsacist but no one will fuck with him as he demands respect and gets it.. do yourselves a favour, if your Country is in ruins under her leadership, imagine a further 4 years..?!?!

  5. These signs need to plastered all over! This is so important for women to know they have options, even if they don’t think they will make a difference

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