I see waaaaay too many germans claiming the superior DUTCH achievements

I see waaaaay too many germans claiming the superior DUTCH achievements

by BreizhEmirateWhen

  1. >The **Franks** ([Latin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latin_language): *Franci* or *gens Francorum*; [German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_language): *Franken*; [French](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_language): *Francs*) were a western European people during the [Roman Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Empire) and [Middle Ages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Ages). They began as a [Germanic people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_people) who lived near the [Lower Rhine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower_Rhine)

    The lower rhine, you say

    as in… Baden Württemberg and NRW?

  2. The Salian Franks came from the rheinisch Franks, the only reason Dutch is seen as such is because of the standardization of the German language.
    Luxemburgisch and Rheinisch dialects are also descendants of old Frankish. Ignoring that would be like saying that Austria is the sole descendant of the Bavarian dialect, because Bavaria is now a part of Germany.

  3. Which achievements? Tulips are ottoman. Being a miser is also not invented by them. You turned sea into land? If the land is just more Netherlands then it’s about as good as using a money press to make Monopoly bills.

  4. except Karl the Great WASNT a Salian Frank, he was a Ripuarian Frank and he spoke Old High German (specifically the Rhenish dialect).

    Like we have literal evidence for that in his biography.

    Also notice how in your OWN map, Aachen, his capital, is not inside the Old Dutch language area? Congratulations, you played yourself.

  5. Who the fuck is proud to be Dutch hahah Or even wants to be. Like, fair enough if you are, but no one from other countries wants to be Dutch

  6. The caricature reminds me of Armin Laschet, CDU politician who was the conservative’s chancellor candidate in the last election. He also proudly claims to be a descendant of charles the great.

  7. You all are so bent on “he’s my ancestor!”, “No he’s mine!”. Meanwhile my family tree roots back to Charlemagne. Last magnificent title held goes all the way back to Baldwin the III of Hainaut. Take that Germans

  8. Based salian franks were belgian and all great franks were belgian from Clovis, Charles Martel to Charlemagne/Karel de grote.

  9. You claim him as more Dutch than German to piss off Germans.

    I claim him as Dutch to piss off the French.

    We’re the same🤝

  10. Isn’t that old Frankisch, aka a Germanic language which was whipped off the map when the romans forced all fresh people to learn Latin languages?

  11. Here we go again.

    1. Salian Franks originated from Salland, but only settled in central and southern Netherlands. Western and northern Netherlands were mostly settled by Frisians. This is evident by looking at a map of Frankish Austrasian kingdom and knowing the long power struggle between Frisians and Franks (watch Dutch movie Redbad about folk hero Rodbad losing to Franks from present-day France) => Hollanders were just as ‘colonized’ by the Franks as Gallo-Romans. The difference is Hollanders adopted the Frankish language as theirs was close enough while Franks in Gallia adopted (Gallo-Roman) Latin, which produced the based French language.


    2. While Salian Franks originated from NL, they entered history and made a name for themselves by settling in Roman held territories in present-day Belgium and then present-day France (as allied and then conquerors of Romans). Everybody here talks about Charlemagne, but Clovis was the first Frankish king to unite all Franks from his capital Paris almost 4 centuries before Charlemagne. I repeat, Franks lived and dominated Western Europe from mostly northern France for 3.5 centuries until the Ripuarian Franks took control of WE. Clovis and his followers adopted a lot of Gallo-Roman culture and language while Ripuarian kept their germanic roots. This is evident with the oath of Strasbourg (842) where Western Franks spoke old French vs Ripuarian Franks old Frankish so they had to write the oaths in both languages.

    3. Ripuarian Franks originated mostly from present-day Germany (NRW) and settled in Rhineland and east of the Rhine (think Frankfurt, Frankenland) => Ripuarian is an adjective for Rhine. There was a long struggle between Salian Franks and Ripuarian Franks => West against East Francia that was the precursor of France-Germany rivalry. For instance, Salian Franks came from the Paris area to sack Aachen and turn the Eagle on top of the basilica towards West Francia. Ripuarian Franks also attacked and invaded Salian Franks in present-day Belgium and France. Charlemagne was a Ripuarian Frank who tried to unite all Franks again 3.5 centuries after Clovis, but it didn’t last long after his death and West Francia (France) was again at odds with Eastern Francia which developed into HRE.

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