Donation number 25 today 🩸

O-neg, so donating as often as I possibly can!

Those who can, please give blood.

by NorthernNiceGuy

  1. Thank you.

    I can’t any more after receiving transfusions, and remain forever grateful to those lifesavers, glad I managed to pay a little bit forward before that time at least.

  2. Well done. I can’t donate because I’ve had blood transfusions, but, radio and chemo, but because of people like you I’m still alive. Keep up the good work!

  3. I live in Brazil and I’m not allowed to donate here. British people were banned from giving blood in the 90s because of mad cow disease, and they never changed the law, so we’re still banned here.

    I always say I’ll donate when I’m back in the UK. It’ll probably turn out there’s some rule that prohibits me from donating because I live in Brazil.

  4. Jesus dude calm down, I’d recommend only donating a max of 5 times a day 😉😂 good on you for doing it

  5. So wish I could give blood , I had a blood transfusion when I was 16 so unfortunately not able to 😢

  6. Speaking for those who cannot give it and have, at times, really needed it. Thank you!

    You allowed me to get through chemotherapy You kept me alive during surgery. You are just awesome!

  7. I really wish I could donate, but I’m glad people like you donate so frequently to fill the gap for those of us that can’t

  8. Also o-neg and I’m not allowed to donate here (Poland) because I lived in Britain during the BSE years 🙁

    well done OP!

  9. Donated for the first time last week, was dreading the pain of it but was pleasantly surprised, nowhere near as bad as I expected. And they had Would I Lie To You on the telly, which always helps. Definitely donating again when I can.

  10. As someone who depends on blood every two weeks, I thank you and everyone who donates because without this blood I would not be here today so thank you very much.

  11. The most important question; did you get the orange club or were you stiffed and given the lesser seabrook crisps?

  12. I tried giving blood for this first time this week. It had to be stopped because my blood was pumping too slowly and the Jag site was starting to bruise. I never seen the bruise once I was home with the band aid off. Need to see if that’s some underlying health thing.

  13. Good on you. I’ve donated many times when I was living in the UK, but not as many as you. I now live in France and they don’t allow anyone who lived in the UK during the mad cow era to donate blood 🥺

  14. I did quite a few when I was younger, but had to stop as I was put on medication and I’ve been on lots ever since. It still guts me. Thank you!

    I’ve been an organ donor since I was 18 though. Not sure many of them are in good enough nick 26 years later, though! 🤣

  15. O negative here. Wish I could, but I’m anemic as hell. Found out once I was about to donate lmao. But good job, OP!

  16. u/NorthernNiceGuy

    Is there a way around the months wait to donate? I’m O something (the rare one) and would happily donate, but the next one is December unless you travel 30 odd miles

  17. I gave my thirteenth (I think) on Tuesday. Need to refresh those lost pints down the pub 👍👍

  18. The NHS blood donation system runs very well from a donor’s point of view. The staff are always amazing too. I highly recommend seeing if you can donate if you don’t already.

  19. Well done. Folks like me who are willing but unable to give blood are forever grateful to folks like you 🩸

  20. Given the nsfw tag I thought this was going to be a little vial of fresh human tadpoles. Not quite sure why I clicked.

  21. As always when these get posted, they need to put on more appointments. It is so hard to get an appointment, and they have stopped all the ones close by so have to travel far to donate. I do not understand how they are always desperate for blood but at the same time there are not appointments available to donate.

  22. I went to give blood for the eleventh time earlier this week and for the first time was turned away. Not enough iron – the pescetatian diet and too much coffee is starting to bite me in the ass.

  23. Did they give you the all important cup of tea and a biscuit? If so, what biscuit was it?

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