Leniye Umerova is a Crimean Tatar who went to visit her sick father in occupied Crimea 2 years ago. She was detained by russians and held in captivity for 2 years. Today she was freed!

Leniye Umerova is a Crimean Tatar who went to visit her sick father in occupied Crimea 2 years ago. She was detained by russians and held in captivity for 2 years. Today she was freed!

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. Beautiful young lady!! Love seeing Ukrainians being released from the Ruzzzzzian captivity!! I can’t imagine the horrors they went through!!

  2. Fucking awesome that she will finally be home.
    It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time.
    Slava Ukraini πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

  3. Imagine kidnapping CIVILIANS in exchange for POWs. There is no deep enough hole of pathetic that ruzzia can’t fill with itself.

  4. A solemn reminder, if you have sick family or friends in Moscow-controlled areas, don’t try to visit them, chances are you will only do a disservice to them and yourself.

  5. Poor soul. Bless her heart. I have a suspicion she was targeted specifically because she is a Crimean Tatar.

    After the 2014 russian annexation of Crimea repression against them started and many fled, mostly to Turkey, with which they share centuries-old cultural, religious, and Turkic ethnic ties.

    Let’s also remember the mass deportation of Crimean Tatars to Uzbekistan under soviet rule dated May 18–20 1944 – one of the most significant and traumatic events in their national consciousness.

    Earlier waves of Crimean Tatars fled russian repression in Crimea during the 1700s and 1800s to the Ottoman Empire, which at that time included what is now Romania’s Dobrogea region and Bulgaria. This is why modern Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria have old and strong Crimean Tatar communities.

    Crimean Tatars have never been persecuted under Ukrainian rule. This is why Erdogan – invoking the centuries-old Turkish-Crimean Tatar ties – keeps reiterating that Crimea belongs to Ukraine. Zelensky also inaugurated a Crimean Tatar memorial a few days ago.

    Add the Crimean Tatars to the long list of Eastern European nations who know from extensive experience who the russians really are.

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