Primary school teacher who smuggled girl, 14, into Britain to act as a ‘slave’ is banned from the classroom after her shocking crime was exposed

Primary school teacher who smuggled girl, 14, into Britain to act as a ‘slave’ is banned from the classroom after her shocking crime was exposed

by Ivashkin

  1. 18 monht for the husband and suspended term for herself. For smuggling a child and using as a slave. OMFG

  2. “When police arrived, Samuel Quainoo, who has a previous conviction for false accounting, claimed the child had cast a ‘voodoo’ spell on him and his wife.”

    They honestly thought this would work against British police officers?

    Also that’s a pitiful sentence for actual goddamn traffickers/slave owners.

  3. Remember we have a carceral state that’s addicted to punishment. You know it’s true because you’ve been endlessly told it’s true.

  4. Ah just send her back to Ghana. She’s a useless cruel old lady who’s got nothing to offer this country.

  5. “In 2008, Samuel Quainoo was jailed for 18 months and his wife was given a suspended sentence for assisting unlawful immigration into the UK.”

    What a mockery of justice. A person capable of enslaving another human being, a child, should not be free again. And certainly should have been prevented from being in contact with children again.

  6. No wonder there are so many despicable crimes regularly reported, people know they’ll get light sentences, so bad people are gonna do bad shit; there has to be some kind of deterrent. It’s no good constantly saying the prisons are full either: fucking build more prisons and make the bastards work while they are in there and deport them when the sentence is over if they aren’t British citizens.

  7. No mention of them getting deported? Once released they’ll live comfortably at the tax payers expense for life. Probably get a new 2026 plate motor thrown in.

  8. Human traffickers get low sentences in the UK. Even when (sexual) abuse occurs, the sentences don’t match the crime.

  9. Absolutely remove from the U.K. Not welcome. The judicial system needs review – enslaving the vulnerable is just awful. I hope the victim in this is ok and able to live a happy life.

  10. Not a single person in the thread reading the article to see the offence was dealt with 16 years ago. No way it should have happened like that but this place is cooked.

  11. >The panel accepted that the school chose to still employ Mrs Quainoo on the basis of the Disclosure Statement and the DBS check giving them no reason to believe the offence might have been in relation to a child.

    So they were fine with the victim being an adult?

  12. “god loving” how come you never see these stories with the title “god is almighty” on facebook with thousands praising his name huh.

  13. This is definitely a scenario where deportation should be the first act rather than clogging up prison spaces with wasters like this. I really do not understand this supposed ‘justice’ system.

  14. Reading the [conduct panel outcome]( is interesting.

    >In this case, Mrs Quainoo’s conviction predated her completion of her PGCE and her move into a permanent teaching position.

    It irritates me greatly that she was able to go a PGCE and get QTS at all. To start a social work MA I had to declare convictions etc, I had to get a new DBS for practice placements and the like… is this not the case for student teachers?

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