Best Job You Can Find in Europe

Best Job You Can Find in Europe

by Born_Scar_4052

  1. Nah, the best jobs in Europe are the ones where you get to enjoy these beautiful buildings in your free time because your work-life balance is far better

  2. I can vouch for it at times is the best job, especially when you get absolute close up experience of the orchestra and the opera singers not to forget the balletdancers.

  3. Nah. A cleaning job is a cleaning job. I used to clean at a fancy destination hotel. Didn’t feel better than cleaning anywhere else.

    Work/life balance, good wage, good benefits, good boss. That’s what matter.

  4. I don’t really get this post – is it genuine or is it sarcasm? The job seems neither terrible nor great, though I’m leaning more on the not-that-great side.

    Seems monotonous, boring and taxing. Like something you can do for a while while studying/being jobless and looking for something better. I guess it’s also fine if you’re mainly at work as a theatre technician and only do this for a few days sometimes…

    Either way, not great, not terrible. It’s just a job.

    Maybe I feel that way ’cause I work in the cultural field and have done exactly stuff like this. Dusting off museum pieces, putting up lamps, stuff like that. In what way does this seem exceptional?

  5. Damn that really looks like the opera house in the first mission of Assassin’s Creed 3, or am I tripping hard?

  6. The best job in Europe for me would be playing for PSG with a fat oil money salary, but hey, you do you.

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