Rotherham: British-Pakistani child sex abusers jailed for over 100 years. Seven men at the centre of the Rotherham child grooming scandal have been jailed for a combined total of 106 years for the rape and sexual exploitation of two girls who were aged 11 and 15 at the time.

Rotherham: British-Pakistani child sex abusers jailed for over 100 years. Seven men at the centre of the Rotherham child grooming scandal have been jailed for a combined total of 106 years for the rape and sexual exploitation of two girls who were aged 11 and 15 at the time.

Rotherham: British-Pakistani child sex abusers jailed for over 100 years

Posted by 070420210854

  1. I thought this case was concluded a long time ago. Obviously not. I hope they get deported after jail.

  2. I remember when Pakistani men used to hang around our school and ask us if we wanted to go for rides in their car or ask us if we had boyfriends. We knew what was happening to some of the girls but had no idea how widespread it was. My dad went to the school and the police and was told not to be racist.

    These vile scum were taking advantage of vulnerable girls and were protected by everyone for far too long. Some of the rapists were even on the council.

    Sammy Woodhouse talks about how her rapist demanded visiting rights from his son in prison.

    They even employed the daughter of one of the rapists at one of the counselling centres. Of course, that daughter did nothing wrong, but the hiring was very bloody triggering.

  3. Dual nationals? If so strip them of their British citizenship and deport after they have served their sentences.

  4. That’s nothing is it. Average of 15 years per person for ruining multiple lives (that we know of) They will no doubt serve half of that, tops..

  5. 106/7=15 years. Are you fucking serious? Only fifteen years?

    How is this a crime that can be forgiven?

  6. With you-know-who in Number 10 now they’ll be out in a year so we can use the jail space for the real criminals. People who offend others online!

  7. “Combined total of …”, I wish they’d stop doing that to make it seem like justice was done. It wasn’t justice, do the maths, it sucks how little time that is.

  8. Good. It’s so sad how many of them there are but at least some of them are actually being charged now. I feel for the victims and their families. I worked once worked with a girl who’s father was one of these criminals and she had such complex trauma knowing her father was an abuser, I wouldn’t wish this kinda situation on anyone.

  9. So 15 years each average. Meanwhile, people are being jailed for up to 3 years for writing hurty words on Facebook.

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