Your first 2024 Election October surprise, the wedding engagement of Donald J. Trump and Laura Elizabeth Loomer

Your first 2024 Election October surprise, the wedding engagement of Donald J. Trump and Laura Elizabeth Loomer

Posted by PyroIsSpai

  1. Nothing says “family values” like cheating your first wife, cheating on your second wife, cheating on your third wife.

  2. Why do these people, maybe women especially maybe not, attach themselves so hard to this man?

    I dunno, I’m sure it’s both sides but people who makes politics their entire identity are a bit strange

  3. If a junior varsity lowlife like hee can get into his good graces, think how easy it must be for world leaders to manipulate him, especially this much older version of him

  4. I’m betting that Loomer will come out and say she’s pregnant with the future of the MAGA bloodline.

    Given her racist statements lately, I think she’ll make remarks about how her child will be a “true full blooded American” destined to carry on the MAGA movement, not any of his other kids.


  6. As we say in **GOLF Fooooooooour** (Wife#4)

    Was this Melanie plan??? God she would be sooooo happy and Rich !!!

  7. He’s going to have multiple wives. He’s moving the goalposts for the GoP. In a week they’ll be saying that this is what all Americans want.

  8. Every time I see a photo of him, I’m amazed that he would think that anyone would believe he weighs 180. Maybe 280 but probably more.

  9. She’s nuts… just as crazy as he is. Here’s the play:

    Spread the message that she’s too ugly for Trump. Bruise her ego. Get her to argue and “prove” otherwise. See if we can convince her to admit to having an affair with Trump before Election Day. October Surprise self own!

  10. The fucking balls on this guy to just OPENLY cheat on his wife during a presidential campaign, it boggles the mind. This would absolutely ruin literally any other candidate for any other office. Especially for the party of “family values”

    Truly, the GOP is a cult. There’s no hope for these people.

  11. Uncomfortable photo but is there a video? Brief close contact is one thing, but if she’s all up on him like this for an extended period of time…. Yikes

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