Dangerous cyclists ‘face penalty points on their driving licence’

Dangerous cyclists ‘face penalty points on their driving licence’

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. As a cyclist myself, something needs to be done regarding dangerous cyclists… When I’m sat at red lights for example, easily more than half of other cyclists go past me and through the light.

    But this isn’t it… Surely fines makes more sense.

    I don’t even have a driving licence.

  2. > if they do not use lights

    Have you seen how many cars, which weigh magnitudes more and can potentially kill, run red lights – especially those temporary construction ones?

    > or are not visible,

    Cool, now crack down on illegal tints on cars that make pedestrians practically invisible at night and cars with huge blind spots that are becoming more prevelant.

    >or if their use of the highway creates an unsafe environment or causes a nuisance

    Lmao where to even begin. Fucking lol. Have you seen how reckless and dangerous some drivers are? Mounting pavements, close overtakes, ridiculous speeds?

    Sick to death of how much we pander to cars in this city but any other mode of transport gets fuck all for safety

  3. Baffling how the police have time to arrest dangerous cyclists yet the MET never seem to solve any serious crimes such as violent attacks, theft etc….

  4. So, you cycle dangerously you could end up having your licence suspended so you have to cycle more?

  5. Hardly surprising but the quote marks are important here. A better summary would be “Irrelevant Lords debate suggests cyclists ‘face points on their licence’ in proposal that has a 0% chance of becoming legislation”

  6. Non-story, just like Grant Schapps and the number plates for bikes nonsense from last year. Former met commissioner claims ‘near death experience’ (bullshit) and bloviates about it in the House of Lords.

    Of all the things that isn’t going to happen, this isn’t going to happen the most.

  7. Surely this is already the case that if you run a red light on a cycle and have a driving licence you could get points for it?

  8. For the red lights, this would make more sense once more traffic lights have been updated to include staggered starts for cyclists or even to check that the lights for cyclists actually work. I could count the number of times the green light has been skipped over 🙁

    And likewise fines for drivers who don’t take the cycle box seriously.

  9. You don’t need a licence to cycle so you can’t receive penalty points on any licence for cycling offences as a licence doesn’t exist. What’s next, penalty points on a driving licence for trespassing as a pedestrian?

    What happens with those without a licence because they have never learned to drive – what do they get points on?

    This is deeply unserious stuff.

  10. But I thought cyclists were a monolithic group distinct from drivers? How can they have driving licences if they are cyclists? Next you’ll be telling me they pay road tax.

  11. A better decision would be to have mandatory theory tests for cyclists. Surely the rules of the road covered in the test apply to cyclists as well

  12. You can still get points even if you don’t have a licence, and it can still count against you with things like insurance

  13. Police: we are dedicating time and money to cyclists following traffic rules

    Police: we simply don’t have any time and money to investigate 99% of bike thefts. Sry.

  14. There needs to be a licence plate of sort. Have had a family friend knocked over, broken arm and there cyclist didn’t even stop.

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