Allies’ Inaction on Russian and Iranian Missiles Over Ukraine Is “Humiliating”, Says Zelenskyy

Allies’ Inaction on Russian and Iranian Missiles Over Ukraine Is “Humiliating”, Says Zelenskyy

by UNITED24Media

  1. Every time an ally lets Russian intrude into their airspace they are inviting escalation. For a hypothetical example, say Romanian airforce escorts Russian drones/missiles through Romanian airspace to go into Ukraine and kill Ukrainians. The next day Russia will target other things in Romania, like cargo ships. Just an example.

  2. When WW3 inevitably happens it’ll be directly caused by inaction from the west in this war. All they’ve done is embolden our enemies.

  3. At this point, it feels like Ukraine is taking on Russia, Iran and North Korea by themselves. No way they can match production on arms if NK and Iran can run their factories unimpeded and supply Russia while Ukraine needs to wait/beg for donations or have their domestic factories working under constant bombing.

  4. He said what everyone was thinking, out loud. I just hope the petty US gov doesnt hold this against him and drag their feet on aid now.

    Like the world is over reliant on Chinese based goods, Ukraine unfortunately is reliant on US aid (and permission).

    I hope hes brutally honest after the war and writes a book about all the crap he has had to wallow in and put up with just to get the support he was promised. Name and shame, and alternatively, fame those who came through altruistically without the need for press releases.

  5. He is right. If russian nazis can use foreign missiles and drones indiscriminately, why can’t ukrainians if we gave them sh!t for functional and sensable use? Are we stupid. This is prolonging the war…

  6. Neighboring European countries need to step up! Be Neighborly. Don’t let the Pidars use your airspace for attacking innocent people.

  7. The Neville Chamberlain approach won’t work guys like it did not last time. God if there is one quality we in the West possess it’s clintonite ignorance and it is clear cut in the time it takes for equipment to arrive especially from the USA where the GOP is now acting as a terrorist group for the Russians as they kept vetoing the equipment bill from January.

  8. I support Ukraine but before breaking everyone’s balls how about taking back a square meter of the land Russia has taken from you, maybe than we will feel like you have a chance of winning

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