Fox News’s real time fact checker

Fox News’s real time fact checker

Posted by golfnut82

  1. The standards are real low when Baier is supposed to be one of the rational ones at that propaganda sewerpipe.

  2. Faux “news” continuing to sow lies and misinformation to help support a disgraced, demented, convicted felon.

  3. This is what happens when one is immersed in a persecution complex – blatantly obvious explanations are ignored in favour of ones that let them justify their sense of resentment against others.

  4. There are no stupid questions. Except that one. We are all just a bit dumber now. Thanks for that… Baier.

  5. “Tailpipe emission standards” Tesla’s don’t have tailpipes….. or emissions…. or standards.

  6. The question was basically “When did you stop beating your wife?”
    Once again Pete nailed it. He always seems to be the smartest guy in the room 🙂

  7. Pete’s a better person that I am.

    I could not have resisted saying something like “Please repeat your question, but this time do it very slowly.”

  8. Does anyone have a link to the video of this happening? I’m not saying it didn’t necessarily but I’d love to see it. I love when Pete schools these 🤡 🤡

  9. These people and their audience literally don’t know what EVs are. Not even a month ago they were fearmongering about how, “if you think gas is expensive now, wait until they force you to buy an EV.” Like, no actual clue what those vehicles are and how they work. To them car=gas and that’s the end of it. Even saw one of them arguing that EVs get 0MPG and just adamantly refused to learn the grade-school concept of divide by zero errors. It’s really kinda sad too; EVs are less complicated mechanically than ICEs so it shouldn’t be this difficult to get the word out.

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