MAGA Scrambles to Excuse Trump Chickening Out of Second Debate: ‘I admire President Trump for not debating her again’

MAGA Scrambles to Excuse Trump Chickening Out of Second Debate: ‘I admire President Trump for not debating her again’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. This is such a weird time. Biden did so poorly in the first debate that others convinced him to drop out of the race. They put Kamala on the ticket. Then Trump bombs against her. But it’s too late for the GOP to replace Trump, not that he would ever go willingly.

    Can’t wait for the Vance/Walz debate.

  2. Trump said winners do not want to debate again only why did he say he wanted to debate Biden again?.

  3. “We need a leader who will stare down the enemies of america and not blink.”

    “so I fully support the man who couldn’t debate a 5’7″ woman for an hour.”

    -GOP Logic

  4. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 90%. (I’m a bot)
    > Apparently, Moreno has also been lying about his business dealings, repeatedly claiming that he's sold all of his companies so he can head to Washington, D.C., with no hidden agenda.

    > "I've sold all my business interests to do this," Moreno said again during a Ohio Republican Senate debate in March, eliciting some applause from the audience.

    > Campaign spokeswoman Regan McCarthy hit back at claims that Moreno had presented his financial interests dishonestly.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~693819 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Moreno**^#1 **claim**^#2 **Ohio**^#3 **new**^#4 **told**^#5

  5. *Bravely ran away, away!*
    *When danger reared its ugly head,*
    *He bravely turned his tail and fled.*
    *Yes, brave Sir Donnie turned about*
    *And gallantly he chickened out.*
    *Bravely taking to his feet*
    *He beat a very brave retreat,*
    *Bravest of the brave, Sir Donnie!*

  6. Well he’s afraid due to his own fealings on debate n he knows he lost n also knows he’s getting older n the republicans won’t have him run next election in 4 yrs at 2028 n he deals pressure of his lies n the days truths too n truth of matter is he old n slowing down n he afraid he’s not happy w de Mayer n his dementia is showing not as bad as Biden but it’s showing n he’s stuck behind 8 ball n behind the latest set lies n he’s old n not able do 2028 n he’s not looking fwd he’s looking at the judges sentencing him too n cases he still has pending n all new lies he said so to get behind them too

  7. The brains of these people must be flatlining. I don’t think there’s anything happening there.

  8. Well if the Puppy Slayer herself admires Puppy-eater Trump for being too chicken to debate Harris again, then case closed. What else is there to say?

  9. Of course they do. They’d admire his “gumption” if he tore off his clothes and ran manically through the streets of New York, blathering random obscenities and dropping a deuce in the middle of Times Square.

  10. Even r/conservative are acting somewhat normal on this, saying it looks bad and it could be the end of the election

  11. I laugh at Trump’s analogy of a prize fight and Kamala wanting another debate as a rematch because he thinks he won. That isn’t quite the correct fighting analogy. The proper one is as follows.

    She pummeled him. Knocked him to the floor a few times. He was on the ropes. Then the bell rang. She was awarded the victory by a majority of the judges (the people). She just wants another bout so she can win by completely knocking him out of the ring and win by KO.

    That is the proper boxing analogy.

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