Trump’s Chicago Hotel Killed Thousands of Fish, Court Finds | A judge found that Trump’s hotel violated Illinois environmental regulations.

Trump’s Chicago Hotel Killed Thousands of Fish, Court Finds | A judge found that Trump’s hotel violated Illinois environmental regulations.

by chrisdh79

1 comment
  1. This happened before in 2012. From the IL AG’s release (first link in article):

    >Construction of the Trump Tower facility began in 2005 without an NPDES permit first being obtained authorizing discharges into the river. The Attorney General’s office filed a complaint with the Illinois Pollution Control Board in 2012 alleging Trump Tower was unlawfully releasing heated water into the Chicago River. The matter was settled, and Trump Tower was ordered to obtain an NPDES permit, pay a fine and comply with environmental laws. The building sought a modified NPDES permit in 2013 after initially misreporting the amount of water being withdrawn and discharged into the Chicago River each day.

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