Any help with black white picture of my Nan in kilt

Any help with black white picture of my Nan in kilt

by TheReelMcCoi

  1. There are various GPTs that can colourise if you are comfortable using chatGPT, if that’s what you’re after. I’m sure plenty of free/cheap webpage based services will be capable these days also, have a google.

    not saying it’s a good one, but as an example – [](

    You’ll need a high quality scan to get a decent result. You could try libraries or maybe ask for help from an independent print shop or the like?

  2. Help with what? Date? Place? Who the fearsome gent with the ‘tache is? Looks like 1930s or 40s. That time period about right?

  3. OP forgot to mention that they are trying to determine the tartan of the kilt of the lassie to the left of the piper.

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