Selenskyj: Rotes Kreuz befürchtet, Russland für Angriff auf humanitäre Mission verantwortlich zu machen

Selenskyj: Rotes Kreuz befürchtet, Russland für Angriff auf humanitäre Mission verantwortlich zu machen

  1. From the article:

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed regret that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been hesitant to blame Russia for a strike on humanitarian mission vehicles in Donetsk which resulted in the deaths of three ICRC staff members.

    **Source:** Zelenskyy at the [Yalta]( European Strategy (YES) meeting

    **Quote:** “It is very disappointing to see that the Red Cross, in its official communication, was afraid to even say it was a Russian strike. This is our life, but it’s their face. And this is not just the truth – it’s a Russian strike; it is Russian terror.”

  2. You can’t depend on Red Cross no more. They have gone downhill in the last 30 years. They also keep most of the donations for themselves.

  3. The Red Cross is compromised from within. It is one of the institutions that has been infiltrated by the enemies of democracy. This is part of a decades-long effort by tankies and Islamic extremists to infiltrate institutions in the West in order to advance the agendas of Russia, China, Iran, Qatar and their allies.

    [Long march through the institutions](,by%20becoming%20part%20of%20it.)

    They’ve infiltrated international institutions like the Red Cross and the UN. They’ve also infiltrated the press, universities and schools. Their goal is to turn people against their own democratic governments and rip democracies apart. Once democracies are made weak and ungovernable by dysfunctional institutions, the axis powers will have an easier time implementing their imperial plans, like taking over Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and South Korea.

  4. I deployed with a couple Red Cross contractors as part of a CSH. They made $150,000/year and did absolutely nothing. The one time I heard them speak up during a meeting, it was the dumbest thing ever said in a theater of war according to my 1ST Sergeant – a man that had to “manage” (yell at) Army Privates in the multitudes.

  5. Fun fact: the International Red Cross has a policy of allowing startup chapters to change the symbol from a cross into another symbol to connect better with populations in non-Christian countries. For example, this is how the Red Crescent came into being:


    Additional fun fact: the Mogen David Adom (Red Star of David in English) was formed in 1930 in Tel Aviv, but the International Red Cross refused to recognize it until 2006, 76 years later, because the IRC claimed that entire time that the Star of David was “not an approved symbol”.

    (For reference, the IRC officially approved the use of the Red Crescent symbol in 1919.)

  6. we are witnessing the death of almost all big organizations like Red Cross, *IAEA*, Amnesty, and others. Strange that nobody even trying to save them

  7. Speaking of, does the ICRC do anything in Ukraine?

    Honest question. I follow a ton of volunteers, international and Ukrainian, on Twitter, who do everything from mine clearing to making food to delivering drones and military gear. I’ve never come across any mention of the Red Cross, even in passing.

  8. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 56%. (I’m a bot)
    > Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed regret that the International Committee of the Red Cross has been hesitant to blame Russia for a strike on humanitarian mission vehicles in Donetsk which resulted in the deaths of three ICRC staff members.

    > Quote: "It is very disappointing to see that the Red Cross, in its official communication, was afraid to even say it was a Russian strike. This is our life, but it's their face. And this is not just the truth – it's a Russian strike; it is Russian terror.”

    > On 12 September, three ICRC staff members were killed and two others injured in a morning artillery attack on Viroliubivka in Kostiantynivka hromada, Donetsk Oblast.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~693822 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **ICRC**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **Donetsk**^#3 **attack**^#4 **members**^#5

  9. They helped Russia steal Ukrainian children. That’s all I need to know about Red Cross at this point

  10. The Red Cross and the UN when Israel bombs a humanitarian convoy: It is a crime, a tragedy that must be condemned and repudiated by all!

    The Red Cross and the UN when Russia bombs a humanitarian convoy: …

  11. This also happened in WW2 also my 2 uncles were killed from Russians and they were with the Red Cross. Just mowed them both down

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