Okay…but which wife? Loomer, Lake (Who? 😂), or Melania.

Okay…but which wife? Loomer, Lake (Who? 😂), or Melania.

Posted by NotBeingMeme

  1. Melania won’t even appear with the convicted felon and rapist because the senile old man won’t pay her appearance fees

  2. Spend more time with him? And do what?

    Seriously… neither one of them have any home family skills or talents whatsoever.

  3. Has anybody ever seen Trump do anything normal? Something like walking a dog, cooking, or even spending time with his wife? I rest my case.

  4. Meanwhile, Trump is now letting himself be photographed basically semi-groping Loomer with Loomer pressed up against him like a horny teen during a slow dance.

    They are totally absolutely having yet another affair, and the media is…*crickets*

  5. I’m tired of the stupid timeline where I need to check cause it totally sounds like something Trump might say.

  6. He means before he escapes to Russia after his defeat. Only so much time left in America for him

  7. Trump doesn’t have that much time left… just a couple months til prison, then the nursing home, then…

  8. If that was true he’d better work hard at winning because conjugal visits are only on weekends

  9. Figures Trump would confuse revulsion and attraction. The only thing Melania Trump wants from him is a definitively lethal stroke.

  10. Melania has already left Trump and moved back to New York. Trump can fuck whoever he wants now. She doesn’t care as long as she no longer has to be anywhere near him.

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