Let’s be real. This is peak car design and you all are too behind to understand it

Let’s be real. This is peak car design and you all are too behind to understand it

by Reatina

  1. I always thought the Multipla had major French car design vibes.

    The pathetic wish to be avant-garde only to end up looking like ass isn’t something the Italians excel at usually.

  2. i loved the three seats in  the front where you could swap out one with an active coolbox if i remember rught

  3. Please someone tell me the name/brand of this abomination.

    I’ve seen it before and just recently remembered it, but can’t think of the name.

    (If it’s what’s visible in the first pic, it’s too blurry)

  4. The Fiat Multipla stands as a defiant rejection of capitalist consumerism and the obsession with oversized, status-driven cars. In a world where vehicles are marketed as symbols of wealth and success, the Multipla challenges the system’s push for endless consumption and bigger, flashier products, and is standing firm like a rock against the tide of wasteful consumerism.

  5. Little history lesson:

    Before multipla fiat tried to make the ugliest possible car with the Duna.

    Before Duna there was the Alfa Romeo Arna.

    I am convinced the Italian car market pulls out an abortion like these every now and then just to make the other cars stand out.

  6. There’s one thing missing to make this the absolute peak: a bumper sticker stating that your other car is a Pontiac Aztec.

  7. Anyone who hates it has never been in one before. It carried me, a taxi driver and 4 of my mates, plus all of our big bags without a problem. The interior is so huge it makes no sense how they managed to do it. Plus the multipla restyling is much less offensive on the eye

  8. While its ugly as hell, its also super spacious and convenient. As a kid my family had one, and to this day my parents think of it as the best car they had.

    My cousin also bought one when he saw how good of a car it is.

    plus noone will ever steal it, so win-win

  9. Ah, I always had a soft spot for multiplas. They look very ugly, but they are a very comfortable and practical car and they don’t have the issue of other fiats where the a column blocks the view

  10. It certainly is the peak of form follows function and one cannot argue that the Multipla does not have excellent functionality.

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