The food here and what not? I’m now considered posh for not wearing pajamas to the store!

The food here and what not? I’m now considered posh for not wearing pajamas to the store!

by indicativeheight39

  1. As my wife just said, she was advertising that she’d not washed her nether regions, obviously not that exact definition….

  2. They are not really pjs are they? They are the daytime checked pants and long sleeved tops that people will change into when they finish work and want to be comfy. I cannot imagine anyone of my father’s generation going to the shops in his 1950’s style stripey pjs followed by my mother in her negligee.

  3. This is absolutely minging though. It’s not a “class” thing.

    Your PJs are something you wear to chill out on the sofa or go to bed.

    Wearing them outside getting all covered in filth to come back and sit on your clean sofa or bed 🤢🤮

  4. Is there not a Lidl or Aldi nearby? It’s a bonus if people in there are even wearing clothes in the summer. I’ve seen more than one person in Lidl shopping in a dressing gown.

  5. This debate is so dumb. Let people wear what they want to. I take the bins out in my comfy home clothes. I also nip to the corner shops in the same comfy clothes. I really don’t care what other people think.

  6. If you don’t do something because you’ll “get stares”, you live in the matrix.

    No, I will not elaborate.

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