Biden-Regierung wird voraussichtlich neue Beweise für die Schlüsselrolle von RT bei russischen Geheimdienstoperationen weltweit vorlegen

Biden-Regierung wird voraussichtlich neue Beweise für die Schlüsselrolle von RT bei russischen Geheimdienstoperationen weltweit vorlegen

  1. > The goal of the US is to make sure that countries know that RT and Russian intelligence agencies are working together in efforts to sow division and harm democratic processes, while simultaneously making it much more difficult for RT to operate globally, the official said.

    I’m pretty sure everyone knows that RT works with Russian intelligence agencies but now they won’t be able to play dumb and deny it.

  2. I’ve been following this issue for some time. Many independent news outlets that lead themselves as *progressive* and *helpful* on geopolitical issues often feature journalists with ties to RT News. Some of these journalists have also promoted conspiracy theories about covid and vaccines. None of them support Ukraine. This has a widespread impact on *all of us.*

  3. Please give Canada the information on their Russian bots. We got them up here too man, disgusting traitors to freedoms for all.

  4. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 75%. (I’m a bot)
    > The Biden administration is expected on Friday to announce a major effort to blunt the global influence of RT and expose what it says is the Russian state media network's key role in the Kremlin's global intelligence and influence operations, according to a senior administration official and three other sources familiar with the matter.

    > A key finding from the new US intelligence is that, for more than a year, the Russian government has quietly embedded an intelligence-gathering unit within RT that is focused on influence operations globally, one of the sources familiar said.

    > This focus on the global activity of RT and its subsidiaries on behalf of Russian intelligence comes just over a week after the Biden administration announced a major set of measures to tackle similar Russian government-backed efforts inside the US targeting the 2024 US presidential election.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~693827 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **effort**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **official**^#3 **intelligence**^#4 **administration**^#5

  5. I’m curious to see which social media personalities have been Russian assets. I’m sure I won’t be shocked by some of them.

  6. makes sense why Ritter’s house got raided a couple weeks back … he thought it was about him but it’s the whole damn station LOL

  7. RT programming has almost been an identical match for right wing internet talking points. It’s been that way since at least 2016

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