Parcels to a pickup point for a foreigner

I'm French and will be in Berlin in 2 weeks for business, staying in an hotel that is not staffed and where I cannot receive parcels as I won't be there most of the days. I'd like to purchase some items online in Germany: some electronics for solar panel systems. I'm confused with how to get items delivered to a pickup point.

It's quite simple in France but seems more involved in Germany. I tried registering to DHL but it doesn't work as I'm a foreigner with a foreign phone number it seems.

Is there an easy way to get a parcel delivered in a pickup location in Berlin for a foreigner ?

This is one of the items I'd like to purchase:

I tried asking on the Berlin subreddit but didn't get answers so I'm trying my luck here.

by snk4ever

1 comment
  1. The DHL lockers require identifying yourself at a German address you can already receive mail to in order to use them. You cannot use them as a foreigner. They are a convenience for people who can already receive mail, only.

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