Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

Germany to welcome 250,000 Kenyans in labour deal

by Affectionate_Cat293

  1. Feels unfair to do so when they could simply incentivize people taking/learning the jobs in Germany. Also really bad optics for everyone considering how much the Far right is gaining off the back of the immigration issue

  2. Top kek it’s not even an onion article, this is literally real life.

    Don’t get me wrong Kenyan people have shown themselves to be hard working everywhere they go, but doesn’t Germany still have like 2 million people they just took in that are unemployed?

    Germany is a powder keg right now, this is speedrunning 2039.

  3. This is not smart. They have taken over a million Syrians, why can’t these people work? Do they really need 250 000 new low skilled workers from Kenya in Germany? The only winner here is AfD…

  4. More immigrants with low skilled labour equals to companies hiring for lower wages because they know the supply of work is bigger and will demand less than Germans.

  5. Always nice to see how the SOCIAL DEMOCRATS do everything in their power to keep labour supply as high as possible and thus wages as low as possible…

  6. The left has become suicidal apparently, AFD is gonna gain even more voters. And that’s coming from somebody who loves Kenyans

  7. Yeah pretty nice, finally those 200 000 houses that were empty and with no buyer or renter in sight can finallly be occupied. This is how you fix real estate, hear that Canada?

  8. Why do they insist in this nonsense? Germany is already by far the most populated country in the EU. And there are many other countries they could recruit from who would be a much better cultural fit. Don’t they care about cultural integration? They want to create more ghettos?

  9. Can always count of governments to ease the tension of the labour market on big companies.

    Fair wages? Eat shit, we’d rather let in a bunch of low skilled labour workers, willing to work at barely-above-slavery wages than make citizens have a decent wage and life.

    And then they act surprised when political extremist parties gather a bunch of support by latching onto these political subjects.

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