Artistic Director of the Paris 2024 ceremonies learns that it will rain during the opening ceremony

Artistic Director of the Paris 2024 ceremonies learns that it will rain during the opening ceremony

Posted by JRMiel

  1. Transcription into English:

    Thomas Jolly (Artistic Director of the opening and closing ceremonies): I don’t understand at all what’s going on. I don’t understand what’s going on…

    Me, I went to bed being… but like the gods are watching us, you know, like the planets are aligned. I even told Céline Dion…

    It’s absurd really…

    This morning, I wake up at 7 a.m. to do my cards, and then Thierry calls me, and he says: “Crisis meeting”, it’s raining!

    I say, “No, no, it’s not raining. I sent you the weather forecast yesterday”. I sent it to him too.

    “No, no, it’s raining”.

    Fanny (Thomas Assistant): Then maybe it’ll be a “pluie d’applaudissements” (rain of applause = round of applause), “pluie de magie” (magic rain), “pluie de beauté” (beauty rain)

    I was up there, where you didn’t want to come. The whole audience comes over and it starts raining.

    People are so happy, they’re happy.

    Thomas: I can’t do it, I’m in a state of shock, I think. It’s raining… It’s raining…

    Fanny: There’s nothing we can do about the rain.

    Thomas: This morning we did everything we could to adapt the show…

    Tony Estanguet (President of the 2024 Summer Olympics): No, I don’t think you can blame yourself, there’s nothing you can do about it, it’s still going to be beautiful, it’s still going to be great. There’s so much to look forward to. What I wanted to say is that I’m really proud of all the work you’ve done on this adventure so far. So listen, we’re going all the way, we’re delivering the thing, it’s going to be great. You can be proud of yourself. I’ll see you later.

    Oh, fuck, he’s crying…… shit, fuck.

  2. I watched the full opening ceremony on YouTube the other day after only watching snippets of it online. its absolutely brilliant. even with the rain.

  3. I’ll be honest I never thought about the director during the ceremony. Man it must have been so hard. All this work just for some rain to give you numerous obstacles that will require you to adapt or possibly remove items of the ceremony.

  4. I’m watching the four episodes. I was surprised about his reaction given that for the last few weeks leading to the opening ceremony, it was often raining. I was almost sure it would happen, so I assumed the crew had the same assumption.

    At the end of the day, the show was memorable and I thank him and everyone involved for these ceremonies.

  5. I was in the rain enjoying the Opening Ceremony, and loved every minute of it. There’s always so much more that happens behind the scenes that the spectators never see.

  6. Rain or no rain, there are still people who paid £1000s to watch a giant screen.

    The weather wouldn’t have changed the fact that this opening ceremony was made for the TV, not the people on site.

  7. You have to understand the context of the ceremony. The majority of french people and parisians complain about the Olympics. Trains have been sabotaged during the same night. People are actually celebrating that it will rain because it will “ruins Macron’s olympics” (don’t get me wrong, fuck Macron but what is even the relation ? He hasn’t benefited from the olympics at all popularity wise btw). Also, the ceremony is an event of a whole new type that takes place across the city, city that has been essentially put into lockdown for a day for security purposes. Then put yourself into his shoes and imagine the pressure that the director was feeling at the time.

    And yet the ceremony happens and right after everyone is celebrating how this was the best opening ceremony ever and how the olympic are awesome.

    Full credit to Thomas Jolly, he did an fucking amazing job, and had a key role into turning that bad vibe around those Olympics into the celebration we all saw

  8. With some great moments like Celine, the Eiffel Tower laser show and the parade of boats as an original idea, the rest I did not care much. Especially all the freak show. The rain was an unfortunate thing but the opening was too much dependent on pre-recorded video and felt lacking energy of real live performances.

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