Today: UN expert to declare illegal all US, EU, British, Canadian sanctions on China

Today: UN expert to declare illegal all US, EU, British, Canadian sanctions on China

Today: UN expert to declare illegal all US, EU, British, Canadian sanctions on China

Posted by DroneMaster2000

  1. The UN rapporteur on sanctions will today declare that all US, EU, British and Canadian sanctions on China for crimes against the Uighurs, and for arming Russia, Iran & North Korea, are illegal.

    The same UN rapporteur has a history of supporting the Assad regime in Syria, blaming the west for Iran torturing and murdering protesters against the regime, and receiving 200K$ from the Chinese government in 2021.

  2. The global institution will, again, be completely ineffective with attempting to do anything. Accuracy of this person’s conclusions is irrelevant. Did China coerce this person to make this announcement? What are their individual biases? Doesn’t matter, but those are the questions that will be raised in response.
    US, EU, and the others will maintain their policy because they’ve made sovereign decisions about how they want to conduct business and there is no enforcement arm of the UN that could compel them to do anything differently. Security council has too many differences of opinions and everybody gets a veto so nothing goes anywhere.

    Pushing contentious claims like that just undermines and erodes global trust in the UN as a whole and reinforces the global anarchy that the UN is intended to keep in check.

  3. I used to believe the UN to be generally a force for good. The more time I spend looking into their “experts” and their “neutrality” the more I see what an absolute mirage it all is. It is a failed experiment.

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