British diplomats shown leaving Russia following expulsions | Ukraine War

British diplomats shown leaving Russia following expulsions | Ukraine War

Russian state media has shown what the Russian government says is footage of British “spies” leaving the country.

Moscow announced this morning it had expelled the six individuals for “sabotage”.

Britain denied they were spies and said the diplomats had left the country in August.

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  1. Not identify them, because they are probably spies maybe 🙄
    Spies exist, of course government’s aren’t going to admit it but most have spies in other places of interest

  2. Dirty kremlin games! West has been tired of miserable putin's threats. Ukraine has been using the mentioned weapons for at least 6 last months on the territory of the Crimea , Donbass and some areas of occupied Zaporizhzhian region that russia has admitted as its territories by including in the constitution…putin had been late with his threats 😊

  3. There is no collective west but the AIPAC people of US and UK are behind all this. Russians and the world do know this. Labor party is the known warmonger and trouble maker serving its master AIPAC US. .

  4. Russian journalists don't even exist in Britain anymore and some British journalists (or rather spies masquerading as journalists) still operate in Russia to spew western propaganda. Why hasn't this guy been jailed and exchange for some Russian captured spy? It is far more valuable than leaving him to spew propaganda.

  5. Does anyone believe anything the British media says or that the govt says? They have a track record of lies and propaganda. Of course Russia is correct. They have been all along.

  6. Putin failed completely, this operation was planned for years and in the end the result was very poor. And finally, that propaganda, which is terrible and pointless, where they "fight" against one of 20 opponents. From fascism, NATO, the new world order through globalism, neoliberalism and all the way to transhumanism. He should have added the lizard people, a real shame for a great country. Even Goebbels did not have this kind of propaganda.

  7. But they are trying to weaken Russia military capability. So why wouldn't Russia citizens view dem as enemies smh especially if they truly love their country for better or for worst

  8. Honestly I do not see any value of having the British Embassy in Moscow. What are they for? They are not doing anything positive for mutual relations so all the Embassy should pack and go home, not just 6 people. May be they come back some time later after thinking over their priorities and their place in the world but now they are not welcomed.

  9. Member when the Russians caught MI6 red handed using a fake rock as an electronic ‘dead drop’ which of course was denied vehemently only to be confirmed during a BBC documentary a few years later? I ‘member.

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