Missing cat, Kentish Town, Gilles Street/Grafton Road/Queens Crescent area

Hi all,

My nan’s cat Tallulah has gone missing for a few days which is very unlike her (she usually stays very close to home and spends most of her time indoors). She is older, about 17 and very affectionate.

We are worried that she has either gotten confused/lost or is maybe being fed by someone else or, worst case scenario, trapped/stuck somewhere. She vanished for a few days last week, came back I think last Saturday very briefly and hasn’t been seen since.

There is a city farm near my nans estate and some arches so we think she is possibly in that area (my nan/mum are able to sporadically check, I don’t live nearby any more) and my mum is in the process of calling vets in the area, but it would be much appreciated if anyone has any info or can keep an eye out, you are welcome to DM me if you like.

Thanks for your time to read this.

by AuguryKnox

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