UK govt won’t fund Casement Park works in time for Euros

Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn has said that the UK government will not fund the redevelopment of Casement Park in time for the Euro 2028 football tournament.

The derelict west Belfast ground was earmarked to host five matches in Euro 2028, being jointly hosted by the UK and Ireland.

More to follow…

by cromcru

  1. Such a wasted opportunity.

    Would have been a fantastic opportunity to improve the moral and atmosphere in Belfast. And show that Northern Ireland was capable of hosting events like this.

  2. And with that another few percent of Alliance voters decide that unification is the best way forward for Ireland.

  3. I mean we knew this wasn’t happening the day that the bid was announced but let’s act shocked.

  4. What a wasted opportunity to have a top class stadium here. The usuals will cheer, but it’s so depressing that stalling of this means the North misses out. Same shit, different decade

    Oddly, it may suit the Republic in qualifying

  5. The right decision tbh when money is tight you can’t justify spending 400 mil plus on a stadium

    The GAA can go to the private sector for a loan if they want to continue

  6. Shite news tbh, would have been great to have the Euros here and to have an open space for concerts too. Would have brought a lot to the place.

    It will be built eventually, that’s the main thing.

  7. Are you fucking happy you lot? Could have brought in money for the whole city, now nobody gets anything. All you’re doing is making the case for destroying Northern Ireland to us 

  8. Another great victory for Ulster Unionism. One squarely in the eye of the GAA. That’ll teach them. If there’s one thing they learned from Brexit, it’s that halting progress is a fantastic idea, and it does us all the world of good. Now, hurry on lads and ladies, there’s still a few Gaelscoileanna to get all flustered about.

  9. Tell me the Brits want rid of ‘NI’ without telling me…

    The Irish Gov has more than enough surplus funds to step up to the plate. It’s a small fraction of the Apple tax rebate alone.

    I would be disappointed if they don’t.

  10. If the Irish Govt had any balls they’d withdraw from the bid entirely. Collapse it. No Casement? Fine, no Euro 2028 in the UK at all

  11. Between all the usual crap along sectarian lines, local government being useless and Westminster being absolutely skint it was never going to happen.

    I doubt NI would have ended up playing there anyway, I can’t see that many automatic places being handed out to hosts when there are so many… Especially when NI would only contribute 1 small stadium to the tournament.

    Tbh I wouldn’t even be surprised if the UK govt is looking at how likely a UI is and whether there is value in throwing millions at a project they simply won’t benefit from. I’d spend the bare minimum on something if I felt it wasn’t going to belong to me much longer. But I’m a cynical shit.

  12. Unionists celebrating, “at least themmuns don’t get it”

    Does this mean the DUP have negotiated for this to go to the health service instead?

  13. Yaaaaaaaa a chance to co-host a major tournament in your own backyard but too much hatred and bitterness to make it happen

    Sad, sad, sad pathetic wee ‘country’

    A perfect example, if anyone ever needed one, of how this place doesn’t, and hasn’t ever, worked

    I hope Cork gets the games instead

    And the north still gets its state of the art stadium

  14. really fuckin great job selling the ‘union’ here lads and ‘GB’/’Great Britain’. A union of equals.

    theyve fuck all more feet left to shoot themselves in.

    NIL desperandum.

    Meanwhile the Government of the Republic has a spare 13 billion down the back of the couch

    wouldnt it be gas

  15. Like everything in this fucking country, it boils down to religion. Catholic v Protestant politics again.

  16. There’s 13 billion of spare change incoming that may be of use in this situation that apparently the Irish government don’t even want…Half a billion would definitely improve cross border relations ehhhh. Apple iCasement Park

  17. Glad to hear, but what did we expect with a labour government in power.

    Why should any government build a stadium for the purpose of holding an international football tournament but then to only give the stadium away to another sporting organisation? The original bid of £80 million was far enough but when it kept creeping to £400 million it makes sense to drop it especially when Belfast already has Windsor park, you know an actual football stadium.

    Put aside identity politics and see this case for the facts that it is, why waste £400 million when £80 million in the original pitch can fund Windsor park to meet FIFA regulations. From the reactions I’ve seen to this announcement I can tell a lot of people are butt hurt over this but, all I can really say is that if the GAA wish to build a stadium in Belfast then feel free to do so but not at the expense of the tax payer. They only contributed £15 million in the first place anyway.

  18. Glad to hear it , money for football should be put into football clubs. Give the GAA the money they were promised at start and let their authorities fund the rest . It is the richest sporting association around so government shouldn’t be pandering to them

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