People are expecting Manchester City to be found guilty, says Pep Guardiola

People are expecting Manchester City to be found guilty, says Pep Guardiola

by Original_Mousse_6351

  1. Because you are and the fact your lawyers were intentionally withdrawing evidence. Doesn’t make you not guilty

  2. They’re gonna get like a 15 pt deduction and pay a fine of 20 million quid or something ridiculous that’s a drop in the bucket for them

  3. I spoke to someone with an interesting theory on this.

    If found guilty and only pushed financially then lots of teams and fans will have zero confidence in the FA and teams which have been docked points will threaten to sue the FA and City.

    If City are found guilty, docked points and fined then expect them to push hard for the Super League.

    Most likely outcome is City will face no punishment, be given a very light slap on the wrist and everything will proceed as normal so the FA save face and their reputation.

  4. People know theyre guilty, but personally I expect them to evade any real punishment through attrition of expensive legal proceedings

  5. No, I’m expecting a total fudge. They absolutely are guilty but even if found so, the FA/PL don’t have the balls to do like the Italian FA did with Juventus and relegate them. They’ll wait until the season is over and if they’ve won the league by 6 points, deduct 5.

  6. Manchester City are literally visibly and fucking obviously guiltier than teams who have already been found guilty

  7. In only a few years, a relegation battling team can go from a strike force of Benjani and Vassell to having the most stacked team with 2 full squads of international stars and many of the world’s best players. Claims to have higher revenues than Real Madrid. All apparently done organically. They should teach this business model in universities for centuries to come.

    No idea why other small teams like Burnley aren’t lining up world class squads similarly, are they stupid? Literally they can just copy Man City’s blueprint and be richer than Real Madrid as well.

  8. This take is not popular but here I go. Ultimately, the Premier League is a corporation controlled by 20 equal shareholders. Premier League leadership ultimately oversees financial oversight, and they report to the clubs. You would imagine 19 or close to 19 of these 20 shareholders would be heavily incentivized to see City punished to the fullest possible extent. That the 19 other clubs have yet to formally find City guilty of anything leads me to suspect their violations are comprised of going against the spirit of regulations in grey areas way more than it compromises of breaking black and white PSR rules.

  9. From what’s know yeah no shit, the fact they’ve tried to delay delay delay also tells you a lot. The fact they were against handing over information is a huge red flag. Mancini being paid more than his manger salary by a company also owned by the city owners at the same time he was manager is also a massive red flag.

  10. There’s no world where they are found not guilty it’s the level of punishment that is up for debate. Even if they ‘get away with it’ at least they will always have a black mark on their titles and success.

  11. Man City acting like the OJ Simpson of the football world and will likely get the same verdict.

  12. City fan here. I get everyone’s anticipation for the charges to stick. I see it all the time with rival fans. Doesn’t bother me. I’ve been a city fan seen the 80’s. I’ve seen the lows. I’ve seen the highs. Wouldn’t swap it for a thing. Nobody will ever be able to take any of that away from us. Nobody. IF (and this is a massive if) we are found guilty, we’ll deserve whatever comes our way. I’ll still be a fan though regardless.
    No one has been able to provide a single shred of irrefutable evidence that proves city’s guilt. UEFA charged city and didn’t provide guilt. City appealed at CAS, and overturned UEFA’s charges. The CAS conclusion stated multiple times that there was no evidence of financial wrongdoing. It’s in black and white. It’s on the internet for all to search and read.
    I’ll finish by saying this. And idc if I get downvoted. Temper your expectations. If city beat the PL, it won’t because they bribed anyone or the PL were scared of city. It will be because the PL weren’t able to prove guilt.
    Peace out

  13. I mean ye duhhh. 115 charges is somthin not out of the ordinary… we all know how they got to where they are…

    But lets be honest they will get away with it. Because money buys power and power = do whatever you want.

    A slap on the wrist and thats it… dont let this annoy you or stress you out.

  14. People aren’t going to want to hear it, but they aren’t going to be found guilty of anything as big as people hope.

    The only charges they will see any guilty charges on will be not cooperating with the PL and they will most likely get some sort of monetary fine for it.

  15. this is the best thing to happen to manchester city

    when the decision gives them AT MOST a slap on the wrist the “vindication” will be worth more than the cost of the lawsuit

  16. Anyone think the rest of the clubs will push for non monetary punishments ?. ie large point deductions, bans on stuff like transfer ones etc ?. I cant see any of the non oil clubs being happy with just a large fine.

  17. If for whatever reason they get off all charges, I’d love to see all the PL all 19 teams forfeit both their home &, away games against Man City. Just let them steamroll their entire league 3-0 each time. No fans get to watch, no TV revenue, except Man City win the league

  18. But Pep knows they won’t 😂

    You just don’t get charged with 115 counts of something if you didn’t do it…

  19. We already know they are guilty because UEFA found they were in 2020. I don’t think anything has changed so why wouldn’t it be the same this time round?

    I know they got off on a technicality that time but I don’t think it applies to this case.

  20. This sub really isnt ready for the day the ruling is announced and it doesnt quite match the fan fiction thats been written for the past how many yrs

  21. I’d venture to say most adults aren’t expecting it. That’s just now justice and big business works in the modern world. They’ll skate. Maybe get a transfer ban for a window or something but that’s about it.

  22. Love Pep as a football man, but his chat around these charges and the underdog mentality is such a weak response. We know that Pep has pushed the very boundaries of what’s legal to win, and re-employed staff who have fallen foul of the rules. Playing the ‘nothing to do with me’ card seems disingenuous at best. I don’t want the kind of ridiculous punishments that people are calling for, but an honest approach would go a hell of a long way to repairing the damage being done to football atm, by the Prem, the governing bodies and the media.

  23. As Man City will face little no consequences. I’d love to see all 19 Premier League teams agree to forfeit both their home and away games against City. Let them win 3-0 each time. No fans get to see it, no TV revenue to be had. Just let them win with the highest points and goal difference ever in the most unremarkable way possible. Something would surely have to change then

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