Kamala Harris’ political add completely about supporting Ukraine, and about Trump not supporting Ukraine. Seems important to me. And new. BTW Mongols exterminated Kiev that time.

Kamala Harris’ political add completely about supporting Ukraine, and about Trump not supporting Ukraine. Seems important to me. And new. BTW Mongols exterminated Kiev that time.

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. Facts, the Cheeto would turn the US over to Russia as well. He called her a Marxist and then said she stole his policies was another good one.

  2. Should have included more quotes of Trump and his praise.

    These are too short.

    If anyone wants to volunteer to make this better, stand up and create an extended version.

    Include why Trump was first indicted. Include the worst of his praises of Putin and the support of the invasion. They exist.

    Talk of Mariupol, of Kharkiv, of all the atrocities committed by the orcs.

    I need something my students who like Trump can see the truth of the fucking bastard. These are Ukrainian students, albeit, a few, but they exist.

  3. Absolutely appreciate the sentiment, but the choice to show footage of Svoboda supporters to talk about Euromaidan is a bit iffy.

  4. Interesting strategy in this political ad. Kamala Harris definitely knows how to stay relevant.

  5. Kyiv, not Kiev. “Kyiv” aligns with the Ukrainian language, whereas “Kiev” comes from Russian.

  6. What America needs to do is permit Ukraine to use missiles in Russia and then give them all the weapons they need.

  7. Looking at the historical record, it seems a lot like the only thing that kept the Mongols from marching all the way to the Atlantic was their army being recalled when the great Khan died.

  8. I love this spot, but it speaks to very few voters. 60% list domestic concerns for all of their top 5 ballot box issues.

  9. There’s an important distinction to be made here for non-U.S folks based on an error in the title.

    Take this as just an FYI as I like the ad, and agree with it.

    This is not Kamala Harris’ ad. That is to say, her campaign did not create, cooperate with the makers or endorse/approve this.

    This ad was created by a PAC (Political Action Committee) which is a separate legal entity that campaigns “independently” from the candidate and their campaign.

    In this case, the PAC is the America’s Future Majority Fund. It doesn’t change anything, but just as an FYI.

  10. It’s a nice video, but this isn’t how I would appeal to the US voter in regard to Ukraine.

    I would frame it more about how Russia is trying to change the world order and the greater threat Russia poses to Europe and the US. That Ukraine is the front line to the rules-based world order, that benefits America.

  11. And this should be hands-down, the biggest point of any debate. The man is a fucking traitor. The best thing I heard her say was that other leaders could win Donald over with flattery. The piss poor deals like with Afghanistan and Iran. They probably just looked over and said who’s a big strong man? Donald is! Donald’s a big strong man!!! and he took one look at his baby hands and said I am! I am a big, tough man!!

  12. If standing up to pootin means keeping America safe. The why has her administration not allowed Ukraine to make effective strikes on pootin’s airfields? Ukraine needs to win. But this current situation of just giving Ukraine enough to slow down the invasion has gone on for too long. If she really supports Ukraine then she can walk in to the office and tell Biden face to face. She has the ability to exert very strong pressure on Biden to change his decisions. Many countries are walking this stupid line. They give Ukraine weapons and support. But then turn around and buy pootin’s oil and gas. Giving him money to fund his war. If you really want to break pootin’s back. Get the price of a barrel of oil down to about $44. And let Ukraine make its decisions about what to bomb.

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