Not sure if this really counts as “art”, but I hope the intention is clear. Bazylevych family portrait.

Not sure if this really counts as “art”, but I hope the intention is clear. Bazylevych family portrait.

by DrunkRobot97

  1. It is art

    It’s powerful in it’s symbology and simplicity.

    Art should invoke feelings, and this one does so well

  2. My heart breaks for those who have lost everything they have ever loved and are left here alone.
    No innocent person deserves such a fate.

  3. I get the message you are implying, but in my opinion, the delivery is distasteful and disrespects the deceased and their memory. Have a heart and some decency, please.

  4. I don’t think it implies the message you are trying to portray, each of those individuals were people and it does seem disrespectful to blur them out like this.

  5. Why not make the fallen black and white, instead of covering over them? Same message but they retain their individuality

  6. I don’t like it. If it wasn’t depressing already, this isn’t making it any better, nor does it even look good. Just a haphazard photo edit.

  7. It reminds me of [this art installation](http://BBC News – Silhouettes honour village’s WW1 dead that was done in a village near me to mark the centenary of WWI with silhouettes of soldiers who lost their lives placed near the address where they had lived. It really brought it home how many families had lost someone and that all the casualty numbers you hear had left behind a home and a family.

  8. This hurts but is beautiful.

    I don’t think I’ll ever understand his, and other Ukrainian family’s, hurt the way they do.

    I hope the UK (Me) and US sort out their faffing and release all the weapons needed to bring this to conclusion.

  9. It stops you and makes you think. It is good art. Not good happenings, but good art.

    Also sad, I feel for them.

  10. This hurts a part of my heart. This man is either going to join the fight and be a complete badass or he’s going to do something, create some organization that helps victims of Putin’s bs and really help a lot of people. Massive respect to this man to be able to stand there and show a smile now as to what we saw last week. Absolute total respect. 🇺🇦Slava Ukraini! All the love and support from Derry, 🇮🇪

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