Show me the lie…

Show me the lie…

Posted by NoWrongdoer2259

  1. At this point, I don’t think any right-wing propagandist can be trusted. They should be assumed to be working for our enemy Russia until proven otherwise

  2. They either:

    1.) Knew all along that the money was coming from Russia but didn’t give a shit.

    2.) Didn’t know and are thus so PAINFULLY stupid that they should be outlawed from voting, driving, and breeding.

  3. Denying they knew ruzzia was behind their misinformation, but keeping the money. They all belong in prison for being spies for ruzzia during wartime.

  4. Fuck you. Implying that Tim Pool is a Russian prostitute is disgusting. Prostitutes work hard and are honest, and the comparison is demeaning to prostitutes. 

  5. I lol’d. It is accurate. Selling out to anyone is a character defect, but when did being disloyal to your own country become acceptable to “Republicans”? It is as simple as this: Real Americans just don’t spew out that brand of propaganda.

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