Russian infantry hidden in a forest attempt to shoot down Ukrainian drone that’s dropping thermite on them.

Russian infantry hidden in a forest attempt to shoot down Ukrainian drone that’s dropping thermite on them.

by pornogroff_the_weird

  1. Crazy idea, but but I feel like they were a bit late seasonally with this drone. The summer was very dry and would have had a better effect, but it’s getting damper now.

  2. gives you an idea of how many guys are hidden in that forest strip. bullets coming in from all sides

  3. Is it just me or are they all firing tracers? Whats up with that? Isn’t it normally just MGs that load tracers?

  4. It must be terrifying. It’s either going to detonate on/near you or termite gonna fall on your position and you can just wait.

  5. Great footage. First time I’ve seen a drone dropping thermite. Must be terrifying to see a fire shower getting closer.

    PS yes, it’s standard to have tracers on machine guns to see where you shooting. Yes , it gives position away to spotters, but wasn’t that much of an issue before drones and GPS.

  6. They need to combine these drones with surprise mortar attacks. Russians crawl out of their holes to shoot at the glowing drone. Boom multiple mortar shells start exploding all around.

  7. Looks scary but doesn’t seem that effective. Two drones barely started a fire by the end of the video. Probably something that can be controlled.

  8. If they were standard aks with 30 round mags, they were dropping entre magazines in full burst to shoot that thing down. Yes, they were shitting their pants.

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