First Minster challenges Labour austerity plan on city deals

First Minster challenges Labour austerity plan on city deals

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. I’d like to hear the govt logic on these moves. Is it a pause to ensure that the deals contain sound contracts rather than Tory standard iffy contracts that make Tory donors more money or is it just spending contraction.


    My understanding is austerity requires an overall cut in govt spending, not just a reduction in spending on certain things. If we keep throwing austerity around every time some money is not spent on an issue we are gonna end up with the word meaning nothing as everyone uses it incorrectly, like 3rd world.

  2. Good on Michelle (and ELP too tbf) for speaking out against it

    It just shows how little Westminster care, and how we may be better off under a different government

  3. Tear the british government apart. I know the tories were the start of this nonsense but that money should be ours.

  4. I get why they don’t buy surely shouting it out in Westminster and talking to the right people would be better than. Shouting about it over here and then saying ” look they do nothing for us” face them head on and give them less reasons to say no.
    Would be some news day if the govt turned up and the SF MPs were all there

  5. Swaddle me in a fleecy blanket, Michelle.

    Black toast and butter with a mug of tea with not enough milk but too much sugar.

    Then put on Ricki Lake for me while you go out to do the messages. Bring me back a wee Paris bun from the bakery as a surprise.

  6. It’s actually impressive. Kier Starmer entered office with expectations that were pretty much as low as you could get and yet somehow still manages to be a disappointment.

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