My 5 year old loves this fever dream from the 1980s.

My 5 year old loves this fever dream from the 1980s.

by Fhoxyd22

  1. I grew up watching Stoppit and Tidyup and my own kids love it now too.

    The Sit Downs are the weirdest.

  2. Excuse me while I find all the episodes to show my 5 year olds.
    Bloody loved this show. The 80s cartoons were the best.

  3. This was awesome, I actually sat and drew – freehand – all the characters. Take care for some reason is missing from the collection, and eat your greens only has a partial colouring in, but the rest are in a file somewhere in the attic.

    Best watched after taking acid, or weird mushrooms.

  4. We still find ourselves regularly saying that someone “needs a good bouncing” if they’re getting a little too wound up about something.

  5. I loved this aswell it still pops up in my head sometimes as a happy memory

    I showed it to my wife a while ago she was like you watched this as a kid “yes” that explains alot ๐Ÿ˜†

  6. Recognised these immediately, that’s a proper blast from the past. You’ll be posting Bertha next!

  7. when ever I see this I always think about The Trap Door, the only reason I watched these as a kid was because my mum bought me the tapes, never actually saw them on TV(was born 1992)

  8. I was fucking terrified of them, apparently it got to the point I wouldnโ€™t watch Playdays because I knew theyโ€™d be on afterwards ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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