Canadian Roshel Defense increased its production to 45 MRAPS in a week. It’s known that it has already sent 1400 mraps to Ukraine. The company runs at full speed on weekends as well.

Canadian Roshel Defense increased its production to 45 MRAPS in a week. It’s known that it has already sent 1400 mraps to Ukraine. The company runs at full speed on weekends as well.

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. Just wish we built them better. As A Canadian, I’ve seen pictures and videos of these things broken down and Ukrainians say they are good when they work.

  2. They may not be the best mraps out there but 1,400 is a massive number.
    I think something like half of the production is going to ukraine.

  3. I saw a Senator (this mrap) at the auto show, they are way bigger than the pictures make them seem. Really freaking awesome.

  4. I see them test driving these everyday across from my work where they manufacture them. It used to be groups of two, but now it can be a dozen or so at a time.

    Anyone know if Canada pays the production costs?

  5. Built on a Ford 350 chassis I recall. I understand the manufacturer is making constant improvements based on real world feedback from the guys that use them. They’re bound to improve with every batch of vehicles sent. They’re gonna offer much better protection than regular pick-ups and SUVs that so many units are forced to use now (no slur to the many people – myself included – that donate and organize purchases and delivery of civilian vehicles). Decent reliability and protection, but in meaningful numbers – is how we’re gonna kick ass and get this war over with and UKR regaining their territories.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if Roshel Defence is also working on a decent but relatively inexpensive amphibious landing craft. UKR is gonna need lots of those to really take back Crimea. Really no other way. They can starve the Russians in Crimea but eventually they’re gonna have to physically remove them from that territory.

  6. I loved rolling in mraps then the m-atv. I remember getting rolled in a matv without my Kevlar on. It’s hard for me to remember things now but nothing touched me except my head to the ceiling!

  7. “…designed for border patrol operations.” WHAT KIND of broder do they have to need these at the canada/us border ?

  8. God bless the mother fucking MRAP.  

    I remember the genuine relief in soldiers eyes when we first started delivering those in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It meant the literal difference between getting killed by an IUD and just getting a little concussed.  

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