Trump Pledges to Deport Haitian Immigrants From Ohio — Who are Here Legally — to Venezuela

Trump Pledges to Deport Haitian Immigrants From Ohio — Who are Here Legally — to Venezuela

Trump Pledges to Deport Haitian Immigrants From Ohio — Who are Here Legally — to Venezuela

Posted by chad2bert

  1. MAGA is so fucking hopeless.

    Can we deport them if it is now acceptable to deport people here legally?

  2. Two questions.

    1- He says they a lot.  “They call them nests”. Who are they?

    2 – does he know Haiti and Venezuela are different countries?

  3. Surprised he would want them in Venezuela. Isn’t that where he is threatening to run to if not elected?

  4. Trump’s vile racism is getting worse.

    This is quickly heading down hill… At this rate, he is going to be calling for gas chambers by the end of next week.

  5. There will be no deportation. There will be concentration camps for slave labor. And it will not be non us citizens only. They will imprison every single brown person, poor person and anyone who dares question supreme leader Trump. Vote blue or we’re screwed.

  6. I know I know the answer to this, but yet again and still he’s endangering people. Is this a fact that no one can stop him from publicly lying and causing unrest or that the people that can do it just don’t care? Because he’s going to get someone killed by his nutjob sycophants.

  7. This town and its good people did absolutely nothing but become a victim to a Russian propaganda troll post gone viral. Fuck Trump. Fuck MAGA. Fuck Fox News and Newsmax. Fuck spineless right wing influencers knowingly taking Russian money to spew disinformation. They don’t care whose lives they upend for the sake of being used as a campaign tool.

  8. for the life of me I don’t understand why people vote for him. I have too many examples but they’ve all been mentioned before.

  9. He’s trying to save the cats/s

    I think the cats are in more danger from Trump’s son Barron and Trump’s buddy Kennedy

  10. The vast majority of Haitians in the US are here legally and do a lot of jobs lazy Americans won’t do.

  11. This sicking garbage that they eat cats and dogs has the smell of a rotten troll working for Putin’s goon Squad.

  12. honestly I’m not sure who’s more out of touch with reality. The orange muthafucka or his dick munching followers

  13. He can’t deport them they are here legally and established citizens.
    Trump and Vance are causing people to want to kill the Haitians community with bombs, and someone asks him at a speech today about it , he said no, no we are going to deport them. Can’t they put him in jail ?
    How can they let them run for office with so much fucken hate, how? They arrest when someone threatens to shootout a school , there lives are both threatening , they should arrest trump and Vance for aggravated threats.

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