Israel: Police arrest 3 women for handing out flyers calling for hostage deal at synagogue where MK prays

Israel: Police arrest 3 women for handing out flyers calling for hostage deal at synagogue where MK prays

Posted by tohava

  1. Why would handing out flyers to an Israeli in Israel get hostages held by Hamas freed?

    They didn’t steal your kids ladies, Hamas did. They also can’t free them – Hamas can.

    And come on, going into a synagogue you aren’t a member of to push your politics? That’s trespassing and just trashy. Nobody would allow that.

  2. Are trespassing laws so strict in Israel? Is it a security related thing?

    The story is a bit light on details to really say much about it tbh, were they just standing near the entrance at a quiet moment when the police rocked up and arrested them on the spot because someone didn’t like the flyer? Or did they noisily interrupt a service with the MK present and refuse to leave until eventually the police had to be called?

  3. > Three women are arrested in Herzliya on suspicion of trespassing

    It’s Shabbat, and they *were* harassing people. There that’s all you need to know.

  4. I don’t see how y’all think synagogues are open to the public. Maybe you haven’t seen, but most synagogues in Europe have police/guards outside because of the many attacks against Jews in synagogues. In America many of them do as well. In Israel they might not have security guards, but that doesn’t mean you can just go into any synagogue as a non-Jew. They’re not like churches.

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