Russians snitch on “enemies and traitors” – fellow citizens who oppose Ukraine War | BBC News

Russians snitch on “enemies and traitors” – fellow citizens who oppose Ukraine War | BBC News

Since President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago, there’s been a crackdown in Russia on anyone expressing anti-war views.  Even everyday conversations can have dire consequences.

Russians are reporting and denouncing fellow citizens to the police – with some facing long prison terms. It’s revived grim memories of the Soviet past, when denouncing colleagues and neighbours was widespread.  

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Steve Rosenberg.

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  1. Records found after ww2 showed a similar situation in Nazi Germany. There weren't that many Gestapo secret policemen, but they were deluged with tip-offs so everyone thought they had spies everywhere.
    (From the book: Nazis, a warning from history, later made into a documentary by the BBC).

  2. Any country that is ruled by a dictator, you must be submissive otherwise. Vladimir Pooptin is an absolute dictator and he will never go away despite the fact that he has a palace and tremendous amount of wealth to enjoy life. The pooptin has been in power for 25 years now and he plans to remain in power.

  3. You guys are a national disgrace…
    You put one single tweet out about the Rotherham grooming gangs and turn comments off then don’t send even one reporter to the sentencing!
    You lot are vile

  4. This is hilarious, coming as it does from the propaganda mouthpiece of the British state that is locking people up for saying state disapproved of things on facebook.

    If you're looking for Soviet style political oppression, you don't need to go to Russia BBC, you own state is doing that in England.

  5. this bbc lying derty figure is absolute evul
    CIA did 'regime change' in Ukraine in 2014 and installed Narzi street gangs as a puppet government – then Ukraine was pillaged (even crack-head Hunter Biden got $millions) and tens of thousands of Russians in eastern Ukraine were slaughtered

  6. One should think of this the next time some far-right crank, like Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, lies through his teeth to claim that a democracy like Canada is being run by Communists.

  7. Чекісти та агенти фсб з влади росії постійно займаються терором в співпраці з цивілізованими елітами

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