Ukrainian vehicles breaching Russian dragons teeth defenses at the border to Kursk and moving towards Veseloe, Kursk Oblast. 10 or 11 September 2024

Ukrainian vehicles breaching Russian dragons teeth defenses at the border to Kursk and moving towards Veseloe, Kursk Oblast. 10 or 11 September 2024

by jisooya1432

  1. They got through the dragons teeth [right here]('34.9%22N+34%C2%B030'48.1%22E/@51.2423492,34.5060829,4039m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d51.2430146!4d34.5133707?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D) and drove [north up to Veseloe](,+Kurskaya+Oblast,+Russland/@51.2795454,34.5354586,8071m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m5!3m4!2zNTHCsDE0JzM0LjkiTiAzNMKwMzAnNDguMSJF!8m2!3d51.2430146!4d34.5133707!3m5!1s0x412941e51f60ce07:0x480d7852141b7022!8m2!3d51.2882333!4d34.5503134!16s%2Fg%2F1hhm9jh9h?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D). Its about 25km west of Snagost which Russia recaptured on the same day this attack took place

    All we know is some Russian channels saying Ukraine took up positions south of Veseloe. Theres no info from Ukrainian channels apart from this video and some vague comments about “good news”, whatever that means

  2. Initial Russian reports claimed that, these breaching atempt at the border was twarted with at least 50 Ukrainian soldiers killed and scores of armored vehicles knocked out. Watch the video, and try to guess why Russian claims are absolutely never trustworthy

  3. a lot has changed since last years summer offensive. UA has overcome and adept. albeit this is not as heavily defended as the south i assume

  4. Considering all that time and expense to place those dragon’s teeth, and all it took was one Ukrainian engineering tank with a dozer blade to push them aside and the gate was wide open for Ukrainian forces to flow across that border!

  5. That type of shit must feel intense… to say the least

    I`m sure they did their prep work though

    Huge respect for all of those heros

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