

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. Has loyalism just always been about Dick riding the monarchy while simultaneously not giving a fuck about the land they are supposed to represent?

    I don’t think i have ever seen them move so as fast as they have over the last few days to either defend a policy that will harm us or to blame it on the shinners.

  2. I absolutely agree with Jim on his first point about spending £400 million of public money on Casement while the government is cutting essential services. Let’s stick with his logic.

    Instead of wasting tens of millions of public money every year policing and cleaning up around the marching season, let’s put that money into winter fuel payments and invest in the NHS.

    The PSNI spend around £6 million per year just covering the twelfth, just the one day. Not the eleventh night and every other bastarding parade. That’s not the clean up and the economic cost. £6 million in public money on policing one day a year. A GP salary is something like 60k so we’re down 100 doctors just in the cost of policing ONE FUCKING DAY, Mr Alister.

  3. Of the bigots, Jim’s the biggest scumbag of them all. Bryson’s a sectarian shit stirrer but he’s stupid and we have to remember that. Allister is an educated, seemingly intelligent individual – that makes him 10 times worse than his wannabe chum.

  4. Imagine pretending we ain’t got the money to keep people warm and build this stadium ten times over

  5. As a Catholic, I have to agree with a big part of what he is saying. £400m is a huge sum of money, and whenever the bank account is empty and when you have a high cost of debt – should you be going flouting the money around, no! You pay down the debt, you get rid of inefficiencies, you get rid of dead weight. The NHS is not fit for purpose, and I can see that an insurance charge or similar is coming down the tracks to fund it.

    Similarly, I also agree – GAA forking out a mere £15 mill. Typical, greedy fuckers. They get huge grants, and have a lot of fundraising. I see Rugby as a more neutral sport, albeit perhaps not as grassroots.

    Jim though, what a bitter c u next tuesday. As someone alluded to, if this is his position – let the 12th organisers pay for all their cleanup, policing etc. In fact, this is exactly what should happen.

  6. Let’s call a cunt a cunt, here. Jim is a cunt

    On the other hand, the GAA have more than enough money that they should be funding these things themselves. They got fuck knows how much from rhe government for croke park and they make millions from concerts and games.

  7. I’ll bite.
    So, what are the fair points by Jim?

    That it’s 400m in tough times?
    It’s always been fucking tough times here.

    What’s potentially more likely to bring us out of them?

    Stagnant, lose lose bullshit gloating bigotry or, maybe, investment that could help bring about positive things?

    Does the 400 MILLION have to be upfront right now, or can it be, hear me out like, sensibly mortgaged for a long time? Almost like a thing like a business or whatever that word is? Peanuts.

    As for the “it’s casement or dead pensioners” false trolley problem: if only we could use, say, 750m a year on this infrastructure project to attract world talent here, to our country in (sorry folks) an area that could do with more development, instead of appeasing/failing to address transitioning terrorists?

    There is a choice.

    Also meh. Ffs. It’s all so tired and I bore me too.

  8. The ROI has €14,000,000,000 it doesn’t need. The stadium is only gone up to £400,000,000. The ROI should foot the bill. As soon as that’s announced it will cost £1.5 billion.

  9. The bid for euro 2028 was submitted in 2023 so they would have known the costs so this idea of inflation can go away. Either say no NI in euros or take bid away from thrm altogether and would be built in a heartbeat

  10. I think it’s a shame. This would’ve been an opportunity to bring tourism and wealth into Belfast. All this whataboutary is pushing the whole damn country further back.
    Bad news for those who would traditionally support Labour is that Sir Keir just given you the two finger salute!

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