Russlands RT-Netzwerk arbeitet laut USA direkt mit dem Kreml zusammen, um Desinformationen zu verbreiten

Russlands RT-Netzwerk arbeitet laut USA direkt mit dem Kreml zusammen, um Desinformationen zu verbreiten

  1. RT is an arm of the Russian government like most big companies in autocratic countries, so I think we already saw this one coming.

  2. I’m sorry, what?! Really?! Who could’ve possibly figured that out? My god I’m glad someone broke this news to everyone.

  3. Look this may be an incredibly stupid question but I’m going to ask it anyways

    RT and The Young Turks are unrelated, right?

  4. That’s weird. You mean like how Fox News is working directly with the republican party to spread disinformation?

  5. Same as Fox News (republican state media). The only difference is that in this country, you can sue for defamation, which hopefully some of the victims of the orchestrated misinformation put out by American ‘influencers’ will do.

  6. No way, “Russia Today” is working directly with the Kremlin in Russia? It’s almost as if it’s.. Russia is in its name. Oh wait sorry forgot they changed their name to RT now.. not directly affiliated anymore (MASSIVE /S)

  7. Now, heres a question. Didn’t Nigel Farage appear on there a few times?

    Honestly, i can’t remember..

  8. Let’s get some long-range Ukrainian missiles after ALL of those bastards before Monday! RT Network is already making fake Reddit posts today!!!

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