Two very prominent russian drone pilots were sent into a meat assault and died. They recorded videos before going. Below is a reaction of a UA commentator. Someone may translate video if they wish. There are two more videos, but one is enough I think.

"Don't go serve in the Ministry of Defense. Never in your life. Especially in the Donetsk mobilization regiments. There's no place for intelligence here and you won't achieve anything good here. Your task here is to kick the bucket and make the regiment commander look good when he reports to the top. These are his personal serfs and that's exactly how he handles them."

The famous aerial reconnaissance officer Dmitry Lyskovsky, call sign "Goodwin", author of the Z-channel "North Wind", and his partner Sergei Gritsai, call sign "Ernest", recorded a dying video, which they promised to publish if they did not return from the "one-way infantry assault" on which their command sent them.

They did not return from the assault.

In the published videos they described what was happening: along the entire front, lies are the absolute norm, especially about the fact that some settlements are occupied, the regiment commander is expropriating property in the interests of the Donetsk administration, protecting drug trafficking and drug production in the regiment, and the best UAV crew, which regularly supplied information, was eliminated on his orders.

🤷‍♂️At the same time, "Goodwin" and "Ernest" understood that they were going to storm "one way", but they decided to go anyway, "after all, there is an oath, there is a homeland, there is a duty, and those like "Evil", let them live there themselves."

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. Some more reaction by the UA commenter

    ☝🏼That is, they stupidly decided to execute the guys, they found out about it and voluntarily decided to go to their execution, and even emphasized this: like, they are sending us to a place from where we will not return, well, and let the regiment commander “Evil” live on. Yes, they are all fat cats there and also sell drugs, but we will go to die, and let them live.

    This is fucking nuts. What kind of wretched and shameful tribe do you have to be to reach such a state? Both “Goodwin” and “Ernst” are not prisoners or the blackness from the depths of the empire that does not see or understand anything beyond its own nose. They are drone operators, specialists, literate and understanding people.

    But instead of raising the FPV and smashing this “Evil One”, they, like dumb cattle, voluntarily go to slaughter. No, not even that. Cattle on cattle farms do not know what awaits them, but these two bald monkeys knew very well that the third bald monkey decided to execute them, and with smiles on their faces they agreed to this execution. This is fucking, I have no words.


  2. No sympathy from me…especially the “after all, there is an oath, there is a homeland, there is a duty.” Nope. Not 1 bit.

  3. If they are so willing to throw away their experienced crews, Ukraine just needs to keep them at bay until its nothing but inexperienced FNGs manning their defenses.  

    Desperate for manpower, or did they piss off some officer with comments or blog reports? I cant imagine they would throw away “valuable” units like that for no reason.

  4. Huh, they didn’t die for those stinking war profiteers they had helped to liberate. They died for landmother Putin, that’ll show them!

  5. This guy identified his Commanding Officer, as being corrupt, working for Ukraine, stealing army property, and dealing drugs… Consequently he was sent to the slaughter…. It’s the Russian way.

  6. Homo sovieticus. Their society/culture has been this way for centuries.

    He fully understands the situation and “evil” chain of command yet he chooses to obediently go and die like ground meat.

  7. What is wrong with Russians? I understand the history, but it’s just unimaginable that any other group of people would be so cowed by such incompetent and worthless leaders. Mostly these things happen because the leadership has charisma or a strong ideology, Russia has a bunch of gangsters and kleptocrats and they still walk into the abyss.

  8. Russians live in a “society” where a small # of top-tier oligarchs decides over the fate of their serfs.

    To the orcish chieftains, their peons are consumables that can be expended as they see fit.

    This is the Russian default standard, always has been (*tzarist and communist regimes*), always will be (*putinist reign, <next random oligarchy puppet>*).

    Russians are well aware of this but always think they themselves will be spared as this general orcish principle doesn’t apply to them. This is why they react with a shocked Pikachu face when it’s their turn to die as intended by the ruling gaggle of oligarchs.

    Unless Russians realize they have to dispose of their leadership, each and every one of them will eventually end up in the meat grinder so the kremlin gremlin may life another day.

  9. Turn the gun on your commander and say either we all die right here together now, or you call off the attacks and we work our way up the chain of command.

  10. Oh, that are great news if they handle their specialists like that. Commander is always right. The don`t need you or drones. That is so brilliant i couldn`t make this sh*t better. Always nice to see the face of the past. He is not sad that he is no more and so am i.

  11. Dying for an oath, just like Hitler’s minions.

    “But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation,” James 5:12

  12. We don’t get too much information out of what’s happening within those orc regiments. So at least for documentational purposes (icc etc) it’s good they recorded this and could manage to publish it as well.

  13. I would expect anything less. Reminds me of Afghanistan. Russia in the long term will become something along the lines of If Mexico/Afghanistan had a baby

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