Is ‘Russians at War’ propaganda? We asked 7 people in film who saw it

Is ‘Russians at War’ propaganda? We asked 7 people in film who saw it

by yorkiecd

  1. The fact that someone is willing to discuss it at all / consider the possibility is already a win for them. We should stop talking about anything that russia says. All of it is propaganda.

  2. This is a great article by Kyiv Independent. It had seemed obvious that this would be a bad film, but it makes a big difference to hear directly from people who have seen it. It’s conclusive: the film is crap at best, propaganda at worst.

    Major blunder for the Toronto Independent Film Festival. Embarrassment for Canada. Good that they realised it before more damage was done.

  3. >**Is ‘Russians at War’ propaganda? We asked 7 people in film who saw it**

    TL; DR:








    (Read the piece though it has got a lot of great specific criticism, that helps to understand propaganda generally as well as this particular film.)

  4. **Hate this headline**.

    Even if the 7 people asked were informed, and were not Russian propagandists.

    [Betteridge’s Law of Headlines]( – which a sizable chunk of your reader audience will assume at face value at any time and not proceed to read the article, states that if there was a question mark in the headline (or Reddit post title), **the answer is no**.

    No matter if what’s behind the headline is sensible journalism or Kremlin drivel, **this headline broadcasts into the minds of a % of readers that this movie was not Russian propaganda**.

    @OP, if you are part of fighting the good fight, take this the fuck down and repost with a better headline.

    Let’s please stop doing damage.

    If you oppose Russia – either frame the question the other way (Is this movie an innocent documentary? People will see the question mark and assume a no) or frame it as a statement without using a question mark (credible people asked claim this movie is not what it claims to be).

  5. I hear her next film is a historical documentary on the plight of the poor beleaguered Wehrmacht soldiers during the 1939 invasion of Poland…

  6. Anti-war film, filmed from the prospective of the people who started the war. Imagine a film following SS soldiers as they were marching into Poland making them out to be innocent victims.

  7. Have to ask why Tiff wanted this obvious propaganda shown in the first place, someone was getting a kickback.

  8. Putin can’t even handle Ukraine with arms support, their defense production is only increasing and the free world supports them. But he wants to threaten NATO? Our ADA actually works and will slap their aging nukes out of the sky before they can detonate. Keep going, Ukraine. Putins’ regime and its’ days are numbered. The writing is on the wall. CCP is wise to stay out of it going forward. Let the great liberation from tyranny begin. Again.

  9. Could I have some empathy for a poor schlub Russian grunt who was recruited from a far flung eastern region of Russia, with no understanding of the war? Yeah sure within reason, but it’s a totally tone deaf subject matter. Even if a minority of Russian soldiers are victims of a sort, Russia and the Russian Army are the perpetrators. TIFF made a bad call including this movie, and now has egg on its face.

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