Brussels questions whether Starmer really wants a Brexit reset

Brussels questions whether Starmer really wants a Brexit reset

by JimJonesdrinkkoolaid

  1. I’m sure he’d personally rejoin the EU tomorrow, but maybe knows the public won’t accept it overall.

  2. He’s trying so hard to play it cool he’s waved her off to the guy across the street. Kinda thing.

  3. It’s probably not Starmer, they just don’t trust the U.K. Labour won’t be in forever, Brexit is still a blasphemous thing to criticise publicly and the opposition are talking about quitting the ECHR.

  4. Brexit will never be undone as long as there are legions of frothing ReformUK goons to fill up my feed with their utter, utter bollocks.

  5. The public didn’t vote for a “Brexit reset”.

    I know Brussels may have forgotten that the people have a say in it, but they should know better.

    EDIT: Yup, downvoters, just the facts.

  6. The funny thing is that the years following leaving the EU we’ve had the most chaotic immigration regime in our history, 1.8 million in a single year. I suspect the public would go back to our old immigration system under the EU easily.

  7. The U.K. not being in the EU is the best thing for the EU as it can move toward greater fiscal and political alignment between member states as this has always been the goal. The U.K. hindered this.

    Unfortunately, now the rest of Europe seems to also be hindering this as well.

    If only someone would have had the foresight to take the strongest economies in Europe and created a trading block between them for goods and services but without a joint currency and stronger federal integration. They could call it the European Economic Community. I’m sure it would be a real success and help all the countries to prosper.

  8. It can’t be done without a number of consistent polling to even have the conversation. Starmer is going to have to do a number of drawbacks to try and see if the economy can work without the EU before he starts telling people Britain can’t compete outside of the single market. There’s about 10-15 years of alterations needed first and even then the EU may not survive that long.

  9. Anything short of free movement for EU citizens and full access to UK defence and intelligence and they’ll be unsatisfied. Transactional relationship as ever.

  10. They questioned whether he wants a Brexit reset because he’s not jumping headfirst into things that benefit EU citizens far more than the average UK citizen.

    Erasmus would see more EU citizens in the UK than UK citizens in the EU.

    The young person freedom of movement scheme would do the same. We saw millions more EU citizens apply for settlement in the UK than Brits apply in the EU. We know it’s a very lopsided agreement.

    Why should Keir rush into these schemes when the country in general is fed up of our high migration figures?

    >EU officials were so baffled by senior Labour figures’ negative reaction to the idea — which would see 18-30 year olds given affordable visas to live abroad for up to four years — that they thought there must be “some degree of confusion” over the proposal at the British end.

    >When pushed in public on the youth mobility scheme Starmer has likened the idea to a return to freedom of movement, which he is against. But aware that the Labour leader is cautious of signing up to anything that could bolster the pro-Brexit, anti-immigration Reform party —which has seen support surge in Labour’s traditional heartlands — European capitals are now revisiting the Commission’s plan in the hope they can hash out something the British PM might agree to

    This is overwhelmingly in the EUs favour. Our biggest cohort in the EU were retired folk in Spain and France.

  11. The problem is that brexit is political quagmire. To rejoin it’s basically like a 4 year process. And Starmer has just watched nearly a decade of the Tory infighting but also just general cluelessness as to what to do about brexit because it’s such a monumental clusterfuck. It will be someone in the futures election ticket to No.10 but probably in 10 years

  12. There is literally no case the rejoin at present. It’s a shrinking bloc. Something the Remainer side have kept quiet on is that Ireland’s economy imploded and fell by 3.4% in 2023 so there’s no economic resurgence awaiting us on the other side. Germany has also been in recession and trying to suspend Schengen – now mimicking David Cameron’s 2015 position of stronger border controls. 

    Starmer would be foolish to then hand over one of the UKs biggest exports, our education system, as a token gesture. One of the things he got right.

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