Ukraine Faces World’s Lowest Birth Rate and Highest Death Rate, CIA Report Says

Ukraine Faces World’s Lowest Birth Rate and Highest Death Rate, CIA Report Says

by indiangaming1

  1. Very sad how Ukraine and Russia’s demographics will be destroyed more than they already were before the war.

  2. Man those big brains at Langley sure as hell have cracked the code with this one huh?

    Who would have thought that s country that is literally at war and being invaded has a low birthrate and a high death rate.

    Jesus fucking christ on a candy bar

  3. Women were allowed to leave Ukraine. Men were forced to stay in case of conscription. Hard to get pregnant when worlds apart.

    An unknown fact is that war tend to lead to more births. Probably due to women experiencing their men as stronger and braver when circumstance force them to rely more on them for security.

  4. My friend, a relatively healthy man in his thirties, was internally displaced and lost access to his family doctor and his usual clinics that were treating his condition, so he reduced doctor visits. He started complaining about his health. One day, he woke up, drank a glass of water, collapsed and died from a pancreatic attack. 

    This war significantly reduced the quality of life on many levels. Be patient to the refugees. 

  5. No shit… people in the middle of a war doesnt want to have kids and being in an actual war means a lot of them are killed?

    More news at 23.00

  6. This is Ukraine’s last chance. If they don’t get into NATO after this war, Russia will try again in 20 years and by then the war will be unwinnable for Ukraine.

  7. It’s not like we are cooked. It’s beyond that. Russia has already achieved its goal, a long term annihilation of the country.

  8. “The West is ready to fight to the last Ukrainian”.

    No I’m not a troll, just a pro-Ukraine westerner stating a fact. Leaving Ukraine alone on the battlefield will prove to be our biggest geopolitical mistake on top of being morally wrong. Sometimes when I see Ukraine I think about my great-grandfathers who had to defend themselves in trenches against a similarly barbaric and militaristic empire. It was shit, but at least they weren’t alone to protect their houses and their children, allies jumped in instead of just talking.

    Ukraine already suffered too many things, and today they continue to suffer for the simple right to exist. It’s just dismal.

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