Putin Has Issued Many Warnings to the West. Is This One Different?

Putin Has Issued Many Warnings to the West. Is This One Different?


Posted by Class_of_22

  1. I think that the US/UK will secretly provide Ukraine with the weapons needed and then don’t directly announce it.

  2. The man who is getting weapons from allies is drawing red lines in the sand for others doing the same thing 

  3. This question is asked so badly.

    If you are America , this question is the most daunting. Our weapons are significantly more powerful and in greater quantity than every other NATO ally bar none.

    Even if you are sure Putin if bluffing, how sure are you? 80%?90?

    What if you’re wrong ? What if Putin isn’t bluffing? You risk nuclear war if you are wrong.

    Imo too many react emotionally to the war in Ukraine and would love to just encourage Ukraine to bomb the hell of Moscow recklessly. Many have no idea of long term ramifications and what is gained by allowing long range strikes vs what is lost.

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