Canadian court rejects motion to dismiss UNRWA lawsuit, Oct 7 families to proceed

Canadian court rejects motion to dismiss UNRWA lawsuit, Oct 7 families to proceed
byu/Latter_Security9389 inanime_titties

Posted by Latter_Security9389

  1. * ⁠[Why did US President Jimmy Carter write an entire book in 2007]( describing how “Israeli apartheid is worse than South African apartheid”?

    * *”Why don’t Americans know? Americans and many Israelis don’t want to know what is going on inside Palestine. It’s a terrible human rights persecution that far transcends what any outsider would imagine. — Jimmy Carter, 2007*

    * [Why did Israel kill 38 children in 2023 before October 7]( – in the West Bank, where Hamas does not exist?

    * Why does the Israeli human rights org [B’Tselem label Israel as an apartheid state](, as does [the Israeli HR org Yesh Din]( Along with [the UN](, and [Amnesty International](, and [Human Rights Watch](, and the [International Court of Justice]( The complete background and summary of Israeli apartheid [is also on Wikipedia](

    * Why has Israel been [added to the United Nations blacklist of organizations that kill children](, joining the ranks of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Russia?

    * Why did Jewish Israeli Holocaust and genocide scholar Dr. Raz Segal [refer to it as a “textbook case of genocide”](

    * Why did Aryeh Neier – Holocaust survivor, founder of Human Rights Watch, and former executive of the ACLU- [say that he is now convinced it is genocide?](

    * Why did Craig Moikhiber- who resigned in protest as Director of Human Rights of the New York UN- [also refer to it as a “textbook case of genocide”?](

    * Why did Lily Greeneberg Call – a Jewish Biden staff appointee- also resign, [citing that her Jewish values would not let her support a US-funded genocide?](

    * Why did Jewish US Army Major Harrison Mann also resign, [citing that he had failed his ancestors who suffered through the Holocaust by participating and supporting the US-backed genocide?](

    Are all these world-class experts, many of whom are themselves Jewish, hateful antisemites? Perhaps they are all simply self-hating token Jewish traitors and kapos, serving a global conspiracy to hate Jews!

    **Or, perhaps, the world is waking up to an indisputable fact: Israel is a rogue state committing horrific acts of terror against innocent children, using taxpayer dollars that you, dear reader, likely provided.**

  2. > The lawsuit draws on extensive evidence relating to the ties of UNRWA and its workers to Hamas. 

    > Canada’s federal court has rejected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government motion to dismiss a lawsuit over Canada’s decision to resume funding for UNRWA, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) announced on Friday. The court’s ruling means that Canadians whose relatives were murdered by Hamas on October 7 can proceed with their lawsuit, which draws on extensive evidence relating to the ties of UNRWA and its workers to Hamas. 

    > The Honourable Madam Justice McVeigh rejected the Government’s claims that the decision to dismiss the lawsuit was not reviewable by the courts.

    > As a result, a lawsuit led by Dikla Mizrachi, mother of Ben Mizrachi (killed at the Nova festival); Iris Weinstein Haggai, daughter of Judih Weinstein Haggai (whose body is held by Hamas); Jacqui Vital, mother of Adi Vital-Kaploun (murdered in Kibbutz Holit); Raquel Ohnona, mother of Alexandre Look (murdered at the Nova festival); together with CIJA to have the decision to resume UNRWA funding (March 8, 2024) declared unreasonable, will continue before the Federal Court.

    > Richard Marceau, Vice President of CIJA, said “We are pleased that the court determined that reviewing the government’s decision to resume funding to UNRWA does indeed fall within their jurisdiction. We can now focus on the real issue: that legally, morally, and politically, Ottawa’s decision to resume funding for UNRWA was wrong.”

    > “The Canadian families who lost loved ones in Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attacks on October 7 have faced the most unbearable of losses, which is why, together we are fighting to reverse the decision and disqualify UNRWA from further Canadian funding.”

  3. The “extensive evidence” was found to be invalid as it was procured with Israeli torture. Most countries have resumed funding to UNRWA after that revelation.

    Even before 10/7, Israeli cabinet members often met to discuss how to take UNRWA down despite no evidence or history of bad acts

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