These trains are a closely guarded military secret in Ukraine. CNN joined one of their journeys

These trains are a closely guarded military secret in Ukraine. CNN joined one of their journeys

CNN gained exclusive access to a medical evacuation train used by the Ukrainian army to transport the injured from near the frontlines to hospitals around the country. It comes equipped with ventilators, life support machines, ultrasound scanners and even portable air conditioners that help maintain stable temperatures. This hospital on wheels is operating in complete secrecy, which is why CNN is not revealing its route or identifying its staff by their full names. Christiane Amanpour speaks to the people who help keep the train, and its unique lifesaving services, running and the soldiers traveling from the frontlines. #CNN #News

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  1. Ukraine runs hospital trains to save their wounded soldiers. Russia just lets them die in a muddy field, if they do survive they get sent back to the front on crutches.

  2. Shattered lives , so sad that this happen , if we had Trump that would have never happened as Russia got embolden when Obama/Biden failed to enforced his "red line"in Syria and allowed Putin to take Crimea and invade Ukraine.

  3. For all the folks saying how it's not a closely guarded secret anymore: New Flash! CNN would never have gained access without being granted permission from the Ukrainian government in the first place. In other words: the Ukrainians wanted this to happen.

  4. Die Welt: Half of the prostitutes in Berlin brothels are now Ukrainian

    The publication claims that Ukrainian women were previously underrepresented in this environment. Most of the women were from Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, and now also from Ukraine.

    The brothels are now filled with very young women who came to the country because of the war.


  5. Thank you for this story. I heard about these trains last winter when the Victor Pinchuk Foundation held panel discussions on the Ukraine war. It was at the same time as a big international meeting in Germany. Anyway a nurse talked about their medical needs in caring for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Ukraine doesn't have evac helicopters.They used trucks to get the wounded to the trains. She also said one of their biggest problems was keeping the wounded soldiers warm while they tried to stabilize them in the field. The talks are on You Tube ,google Victor Pinchuk . David Petraeus talked and another U.S general. Soldiers who had been captured told their experience. Lots of world leaders were there It was very interesting.

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