Is this a mistake

So just to give you more background guys, I lived in NL for 3 years, and also in Brussels during 2 years (even though we know Dutch is not really used in the city). But every time I tried to communicate in Dutch with my gf's family I constantly received answers in English.

Should I just speak perfect this Barbarian language and drop it in front of their fucking cocky per capita dutchie faces?

by Gloomy-Chest-1888

  1. No one needs 3 months to learn dutch just say ‚uga buga‘ scratch your head and let out a fart and you‘ve said the most intellectual sentence in dutch since 1581

  2. I tried learning dutch, DON’T DO IT! It’s like german but at least german sounds cool and it doesn’t make you sound like you’re gagging every time you say the letter g

    However if you hate yourself (like I do) you can still try 🙂

  3. learning swamp german is never a good idea, might as well learn high valyrian, at least you don’t get ear cancer from that

  4. Included in the package is an ice pick and a hammer used to perform the frontal lobotomy which is required for mastering dutch

  5. Yea it’s a mistake. Long white socks with shorts?

    You’re trying to become Dutch. Not fucking German.

  6. If you speak a related language it should be possible. I learned Old Norse in 6 months. I suppose Dutch should be easier to learn.

  7. Did you consider learning Flemish instead? Then you would get the weirdly cute factor on top. Worth the effort, I would say.

  8. I love nederländska ^_^

    In the way back when before I learned english it was the only language in videogames I could “understand”.

  9. 3 months to order a kapsalon and patatje (or frietje, if you want a portion size in the south) oorlog!! COME ON DO IT

    *no siestas allowed tho, time is money

  10. 4 years in the swamp and Dutch is just a waste. Dutch people treat my knowledge in their language and culture like a party trick.

    “Do you know the word godverdomme??” “Oh wow you do??” “Omg you know about de slimste mens too????”

    Maat. Kom op.

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